Cancer Treatment ~ Marriage of Conventional and Complementary Medicine
What Cancer Treatment To Choose?
The Intelligent Choice of The Marriage of Conventional and Complementary Medicine
People who have been newly diagnosed with cancer are most vulnerable. Because of so many unscrupulous people around nowadays, and with the advent of the ease of the internet, miracle cures may seem like a god-send.
However, like a fad diet, miracle cures may or may not work. The patient may end up financially worse off as well as being emotionally bruised with much lost time in which to heal.
Since cancer is so common nowadays, there are numerous so-called “therapies” and “cures” being touted. Do they work? Who knows? We can suppose that many don’t. However, how can we also be sure that others are not legitimate cures? Some may actually work.
We do NOT know everything about cancer. Certainly, not even the top oncologist. There are people who have defied conventional cancer treatments who have successfully healed from terminal cancer. And left Western Medical science stumped!
Medical Science-Conventional Cancer Treatment
The Western Medical oncology protocol can be extremely drastic: Cut. Burn. Chemo. Kill. The baby is thrown out with its bath water. There is no notion of prevention. Their ‘treatment’ actually only treats the symptoms of cancer.

Clearly, if the cause(s) of cancer like
- Bad dietary habits
- Destructive drinks and foods consumed
- Toxins and chemicals in foods and the environment
- Genetically-modified franken-foods
- Chronic stress and more
is/are addressed and removed, then there wouldn’t be the effects of cancer or, at least, there would be fewer effects, for us to have to worry about.
However, the causes of cancer are clearly not being addressed and eliminated, as the current high incidences of cancer has become almost pandemic worldwide!
Make no mistake about this though: Western Medical Science Can Be A Very Valuable tool. The only caution is to use it wisely and judiciously. Just like water is precious and indispensable for life, it can also kill. And people, when given a medical death sentence, may be over-zealous in accepting all that their oncologists propose.
Western Medical Science It is NOT a panacea treatment for cancer (or any other disease); conventional cancer therapy only accounts for about 2% success rate, which is pathetically low.
Many cancer patients die in horrendous pain, often also from hugely compromised immune systems due to the decimation of good, healthy cells alongside cancerous ones from chemotherapy, radiation, prescription drugs and other western medical protocols together with horrific chronic stress in our 21st-century sci-fi, techy world.
For help on the conventional approaches and protocols to health, you can visit the NHS website and NICE.
Age-old, ‘Wise’ Complementary Medicine

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Complementary medicine, or traditional medicine, was around long before the advent of Western Medical science as we know it today. Then, there were herbalists and energy healers. Food and diet were important components of health and healing.
Then (only) around 200 years ago, Western Medical Science was born. And what we call traditional or alternative or complementary medicine was relegated to cobwebbed closets.
Today, complementary medicine has revived and is now taking its rightful place in healing. Why? Millenials have arrived. And more and more people worldwide, young and old, have started to question conventional medical practices linked to many horrendous, drastic side-effects and often, very questionable high death tolls.
From the dietary point of view, in holistic healing, a cancer patient would be well-advised to look at their diet. They should be told, point-blank, to improve it by eating ONLY REAL FOODS, and not processed-pseudo imitations.
You may be fooled or think you can get away with it, but not your body. And, as an after-thought, this is only common sense. But then, perhaps common sense is not so common any more, after all. It has become a precious, near-extinct, commodity.
Many of us, through unconscious warped choices or mostly through deliberate brain-washing by marketers, have unwittingly adopted the herd mentality. When one sheep jumps the cliff, the others follow-suit. Just because your neighbour or best-friend-know-all-health-foodist eats margarine doesn’t mean it is good. Consider that flies don’t even choose to die in processed oils. They know it’s plastic, and even that as a graveyard must be highly insulting to their survival instinct.
Good nutrition is one of the cornerstones of health and life. Vitamin-rich REAL foods are a must. If you keep consuming processed, plastic food, how can you be frightfully shocked when you are diagnosed with 3rd degree cancer of … whatever? I’ll bet you take better care of your car than your body.
Complementary medicine is actually very scientific and should be used alongside conventionally-proven methods. For example, proper meditation can help cure cancer when used alongside a conventional treatment. Or herbal therapies can help shrink cancer tumours and the use of Western medical protocols can help monitor the process.
Certain cancer cases may best be healed with a blend of complementary and oncology treatments.
Find a holistic, health therapist who is also a medical doctor or a medical doctor who is also a holistic health therapist and let him/her guide you in your treatment.
Here, you will have the best of both worlds. Here, you have found your pot of gold!
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