. Adopt More Holistic Health Activities in Your Daily Life
4 Activities to Consider
Holistic health – sometimes also referred to as alternative, integrative, or complementary health – might be a fairly new term or concept for many people.
However, it is used to describe healthcare practices that have been used for generations. In fact, many “holistic” methods of healing the mind and body have existed since ancient times.
Whether you’re dealing with a current health condition or are looking to proactively prevent illness, holistic healing practices can be one way to literally take your health into your own hands.
Many people are uncertain about how to incorporate more holistic and alternative health practices into their daily routines. If you’ve been curious about trying holistic health but haven’t been sure where to start, read on for 4 expert recommendations.
Here are 4 health practices to try:
- Yoga
There is more to yoga than the stereotypical studio classes and tight pants. Before arriving in the Western world in the 20th century, yoga had been practiced for thousands of years in India.
Traditionally, it was considered to be a sacred science for healing the body, mind, and soul.
In addition to relieving stress and easing depression, yoga also improves flexibility, helps the body recover from injuries, build lean muscles.
. - Ayurveda
Yoga and its sister science, Ayurveda, have existed in India for thousands of years. According to V. Narayanaswamy, Former Professor, College of Indian Medicine, Ayurveda has existed as a medical practice for so long because it has “logical rationale” as its primary foundation and its belief system therefore does not change over time.
The word “Ayurveda” comes from the Sanskrit words “ayus” (“life”) and “veda” (“science” or “knowledge”), so its literal translation is “the science (or knowledge) of life.”
Ayurvedic teachings include the prevention and treatment of disease by balancing the systems and organs within the body. This is typically accomplished using a combination of diet, herbs, yoga, and breathwork. Because no two bodies are the same, each Ayurvedic treatment method is custom-tailored to an individual’s unique body type, constitution, and specific needs.
. - Meditation.
Like yoga and Ayurveda, meditation has been practiced for thousands of years.
Mindfulness-based meditation practices help calm the mind, ease stress, reduce negative thoughts and emotions, and refocus on the present moment.
Additionally, meditation may contribute to improved immune system function. As a form of mind-body medicine, meditation teaches the mind coping mechanisms for handling stress and difficult emotions.
For reasons that are not yet understood, this may play a role in reducing inflammation in the body, which has been linked to the immune system. This mysterious brain-body connection makes meditation a valuable tool for leading a healthy, happy life.
. - Holistic Health for Addiction Recovery
Activities such as swimming, yoga and meditation are beneficial to addiction recovery.
These methods are particularly effective for coping with stress. They boost your mental, physical and emotional health and well-being.
Best of all, they can be done either by yourself or with others. By joining clubs, taking classes, or attending events such as swimming competitions, it is possible to expand your social circle and make new friends, which experts say is important to recovery.
Part of bringing more holistic and alternative health practices into your life involves some experimentation. No single holistic health practice works for everyone. We’re all different so it’s important to try new things and see what resonates with you.
Eventually, you’ll find a holistic health practice that works for your unique situation, interests, needs, and health conditions.
Article by Kelly Coleman
Kelly Coleman is a freelance writer and research specialist. She loves volunteering for Consumer Health Labs, which aims to help consumers make healthy choices.
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