Tricks You’ll Love for Staying Active!
5 Top Stellar Tips to Succeed
The fast-paced, high-tech world we live in today can get busy. Very busy. And before we know it, another week has gone by. And then another month. And another year. And then, yet another decade…And we will find ourselves getting older, so fast!
Yes, somewhere in a far-away corner of our minds, we tell ourselves we have the time some day to live in peace, to smell the roses, to pursue that hobby, to win the nobel peace prize …Yes…some day.
But all these things can only come about if we look after our physical health ~ today. Not tomorrow. Not someday. But today.
First we must eat real food. And not fall into the all-too-easy habit of relying on ready-prepared non-foods devoid of the vital nutrients which would give us that zing and punch for our prime health.
Then we must stay active by moving. It’s best to make it a habit by following a consistent fitness routine that we’re happy with. And will stick to.
And we all know deep down, we should eat better and become more active physically. After all, if our physical frames are out of whack, where would we live, but in a ramshackle…of a body? Ugh! If getting rid of that resistant fat around your belly and hips were possible, would that be motivation enough to staying active?
Diet and exercise are very important in keeping ourselves healthy. Additionally, we should also be mindful about reducing stress levels too. Yoga is an excellent discipline in this respect.
Modern, processed non-foods, inactivity and stress are among the causes of many degenerative diseases including cardiovascular problems and cancer.
A common mistake is to think that one bad day needs to be followed by more bad days. But the truth is that you can get back on the healthy track even immediately after you ‘fell off the wagon’. Because staying healthy and active is a marathon, not a sprint.
Below are 5 ways you can get a little more active without breaking the bank.
1. Dance It Out
If you have ever watched Gray’s Anatomy, you’ll know that in periods of high stress or upset, they use the term ‘dance it out’.
You might decide you want to take a class or check out some Youtube videos. But it is just as easy to either pop your headphones in your ears, or turn up the speakers and bounce around your own home.
Try an aim for at least 4 songs, and you have already reached approximately 10 minutes or more of vigorous exercise. Go you!
2. Ditch The Car
Whenever possible, swap taking the car for public transport and walking.
The good old ankle express (walking) will help burn calories and keep your metabolism ticking over nicely. Walking is a great way to gently get your exercise in and give you time to think.
If there are stairs, take them at every opportunity instead of the elevator or escalators. If you choose to take public transport, get off a stop or two earlier and walk the rest of the way.
3. Break It Down
You don’t have to do your chosen exercise for staying active all in one go.
For example, while brushing your teeth, you can touch your knees to your elbows on alternating sides. While you’re cooking, do a few squats or crunches. Add short bursts of activity through your day to make sure you’re using your spare moments wisely.
Ideally, you want to aim for around 30 minutes or more of everything combined.
4. Scrub-a-Dub-Dub
Every Saturday make the time to give your house an excellent top to bottom. Not only will you end up with a sparkling home, but you will also more than manage to get in a great workout.
Mowing the lawn, cleaning the windows, vacuuming and mopping the floors, combined with going up and down stairs* and crouching to get the corners you will get that full-body-workout feeling.
5. Eat Better

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Most of us aren’t fuelling our body in the right way. Instead of taking proper lunch breaks, or breakfast, we snack badly and reach for the high fat, high sugar foods for quick energy bursts. Swap a few of your daily coffee or juice intake for water, and add in extra fruit and veg with every meal.
So, stay active and healthy. Be proactive! And that also means staying active at work, and even when in spite of surgery.