Your Home Could Become An Unhealthy House:
8 Toxic Contributors
The Many Contributors to An Unhealthy House: Did you know that even a pretty house could become an unhealthy house and become a source of multiple health problems? It’s true! The key to a well-balanced life includes a healthy living environment. One that you can not only live in, but also thrive in.
I invite you to take a look around your home this evening and question whether certain areas could be having a negative effect on your well-being. If you’re feeling lost, don’t worry.
In this guide, we’ll break down the ABCs of what an unhealthy house might look like and how to fix it.
1. An Unhealthy House: Toxic Cause #1
The Air In Your Home
We sustain our bodies with nutritious food, exercise and routine care like massage and yoga. We also take our cars for routine oil changes and tire rotations. We ensure that our children have proper nutrition, take their vitamins and send them to summer camps. We love our pets and make sure that they get their teeth cleaned and scaled regularly.
However, can you remember the last time you had your home checked for lead and asbestos? An did you know that exposure to asbestos in your living environment can lead to mesothelioma, a form of cancer?
Dirty ducts occur from a build up of dust, dander, pollen, and other allergens. When forgotten, accumulated allergens may be distributed through the air of your home by way of the AC or furnace. This can lead to serious respiratory issues.
A dirty HVAC can also restrict your heating and cooling systems, leading to a higher energy bill. The National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) recommends inspecting and cleaning ductwork every three to five years.
2. An Unhealthy House: Toxic Cause #2
High humidity levels may also result in a slew of significant health problems. Excessive moisture can turn mold into a real problem. Conversely, insufficient moisture can help viruses persist. Not only can this negatively impact your respiratory system in several ways, it can also cause skin issues.
You should aim to control the humidity levels in your house. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) encourages checking the humidity levels in your home frequently to ensure they do not go below 30% or above 50%.
You might need to get a portable humidifier or large dehumidifier. There’s such thing as a whole-house humidifier too, which can be controlled through your thermostat.
3. An Unhealthy House: Toxic Cause #3
You should test your house for radon at least twice a year. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can cause radon poisoning if you’re not careful.
No houses are immune from the risk of radon. To keep a tab on the levels of radon in your home, make use of radon test kits. You can purchase these online or in home improvement stores.
4. An Unhealthy House: Toxic Cause #4
Carbon monoxide
The second most common cause of non-medicinal poisoning deaths is carbon monoxide poisoning. Ensure that you have both smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed in your home. Chances are you just have a smoke detector.
Carbon monoxide can cause headaches, fatigue, nausea, and even death. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize they’re in danger of poisoning until it’s too late.
Follow these fives steps below to avoid becoming a statistic:
- Install a carbon monoxide detector in your house
. - Have a qualified technician inspect your home’s systems regularly
. - Don’t use generators in contained areas, like your garage or basement
. - Use space heaters only when someone in the house is awake
. - Never try to heat your home with a gas oven or other coal burning device.
5. An Unhealthy House: Toxic Cause #5
Ah, there’s nothing more comforting than wrapping up in the covers and falling asleep on what truly feels like cloud nine!
However, as much as you may love this warm cove of cotton and fresh laundered bliss, there’s much more than just you who feels attached to it.
Your mattress is a haven for airborne allergens and dust mites. These can this set off allergic reactions for folks with asthma and allergies. Additionally, a dirty mattress and bed linen can lead to below-par-quality sleep throughout the night.
A dead giveaway dirty mattress is a how heavy it is. If you’ve had it for a few years, you might have noticed that it’s put on a few pounds. That’s because it absorbs these dust mites and allergens. And…also, dead skin, oil, and moisture. Yuck!
You can preserve your mattress by regularly washing your sheets in hot water. Let your mattress air out while the bedding is in the laundry.
You can also purchase a mattress protector and pillow cases specifically designed with dust mites in mind. Additionally, vacuum and dust your bedroom on a weekly basis to clean your carpets, furniture, and curtains.
Note: if you have pets, you might have to vacuum more often than once a week.
6. An Unhealthy House: Toxic Cause #6
Here’s one you’d have a hard time overlooking. Have you noticed an increase in bugs creeping through your home?
One centipede or ant here and there probably isn’t a big deal. But keep your eyes peeled for more. Insects can double, triple, and even quadruple in numbers quickly. It’s best to address the problem immediately.
Other than being gross, some pests wreak havoc on your home and your health including a worsening in asthma and contracting West Nile or hantavirus.
At the first sign of infestation, go to your local grocery or hardware store to find pest control products that will easily solve your problem.
Beware of the ingredients in these often harsh chemicals. You might need to do some research to find a solution that won’t harm your health more upon inhalation or your pets in the case of ingestion.
7. An Unhealthy House: Toxic Cause #7
Clutter in your home directly impacts your mental state. An unkempt house can stir feelings of guilt and embarrassment if company stops by unannounced.
Not only does it affect the overall appeal of your physical environment, but clutter also affects your productivity and spikes stress levels.

A disorganized work area makes it difficult to concentrate and relax too. Give your mood a boost by taking a weekend to clear your closet, file away paperwork, and rediscover old treasures in your jam-packed junk drawer.
Disorganization can also be a health hazard. Untidy areas can turn into a hot bed for dust, dander, allergens, and even mold. Spring, which is quickly approaching, is a great time to deep clean your apartment or house.
Maintaining a clean, organised and efficient home is definitely something we can all take pride in.
8. An Unhealthy House: Toxic Cause #8
Color also takes a toll on our psychological state. Cosmo recently published a study revealing that people who slept in blue bedrooms got an average of 7 hours and 52 minutes of sleep.
Meanwhile, people who slept in brighter bedrooms with colors like purple got as few as 5 hours and 56 minutes of sleep.
Whatever the color trend might be today, consider sticking to cool, subdued hues for your bedroom. Calming greys, soothing tans, and creamy whites will wash away stress and promote peace and relaxation.
On the other hand, brighter may be better for other areas of the house, like your home office. Research has shown that the best colors for a home office could be based on the type of work you need to accomplish. Red is a motivating hue for physical labor; blue is better for data-driven work; yellow is a creative color, and green could bring multi-taskers balance.
That being said, happiness and self love should be the sole purpose for redecorating or remodeling a house. If you have a favorite color that brings you joy then, by golly, you should invest in paint, furniture, and decor all in that very hue!
Other problems
Here’s another startling statistic for you. More than a trillion gallons of water are wasted annually in the US alone as a result of household leaks. Whether or not your water bill has increased, it is best practice to check your water meter every few months to make sure nothing is out of order.
Overlooked leaks can lead to mold spores that can cause many health problems, as we’ve mentioned. Additionally, continue to flush sediment from your water heater and water softener to keep both in working condition.
If home repairs are beyond your skill set, you have options—and affordable ones at that. The best home warranties cover not only plumbing repairs, but they also protect all of your home’s major appliances and systems.
Plastic is another key indicator of an unhealthy house. Plastic is packed with the chemical compound Bisphenol A (BPA), which may affect growth, cell repair, fetal development, energy levels, reproduction, thyroid function, and hormone levels according to Healthline.
Not to mention, plastic is toxic to the environment. It is also causing many deaths in marine animals and birds.
Here are 6 effortless ways to ditch plastic throughout the house:
- Store food in glass containers rather than plastic tupperware
. - Bring your own reusable tote to the store rather than double-bagging groceries in plastic sacks
. - Use tampons with paper applicators
. - Use bar soap rather than bottles of body gel, shampoo, and conditioner
. - When between two very similar products, choose the one with less packaging
. - Swap plastic straws with washable metal straws or don’t use a straw at all
They say that home is where the heart is. Our home is our escape and our safe space. It is our shelter and warmth. And while it’s easy to see where we can make our living spaces more comfortable and beautiful for ourselves – painting the exterior, redecorating a bathroom, installing new cabinetry—we must remember to maintain the health of our homes, too.
Contributing Author: Paige A. Mitchell