Keep Your Motivation When The Going Gets Tough
Did you make a pledge at the start of this year that you were going to exercise more and get in shape? Most of us did, but if you actually managed to stick with it- congratulations!
After twelve months of regularly exercising, no doubt you feel amazing. You’ve probably toned up, lost weight and have improved all markers of your health from your blood pressure to your blood sugar.
But chances are after all that time, things have gotten a little tedious. Especially if you’re stuck with a similar routine.

Below are 4 ways you can rekindle your motivation:
1. Follow Health Bloggers and YouTubers
There’s a reason that bloggers and Youtubers are hailed as influencers- they really do influence us.
And when it comes to health, nutrition and fitness, these kinds of people can influence us in the best possible way.
Perhaps it’s a fitness guru that you love who does regular workout videos and makes them fun. Or maybe its weight loss accounts you’re following- rooting for others while being on your own journey can be a great way to go about things.
Follow health influencers on platforms like Instagram and you’ll be shown their positive messages every time you click on to scroll. Check out health blogs like TubbyGorilla who provide lots of great information. Or follow health Youtubers who do full videos about various health topics.
The more you surround yourself with this information, the more it clicks in your mind that this is what you should be doing too.
2. Get a partner or friend involved
Exercise can be a little boring and repetitive; if you’re hitting the gym three times a week you might start getting bored of the same four walls, the same four or five pieces of equipment you’re using.
However, taking a friend or partner along can change the dynamics of things ~ you can chat as you workout or go for some friendly competition! It’s much more motivating having someone else with you. So if you’re starting to get bored, consider if someone you know will join you.
3. Try a class or activity that’s a bit different
Another way to get around the repetitive boringness of doing the same workouts over and over is by finding a completely different activity. .
How about going trampolining, rollerblading or ice skating as one of your weekly workout sessions? You could also join a dance class, start martial arts or do something thats much different to what you do now.
You’ll be using new muscles and the novelty of doing something new will keep you interested. If you get bored in a few months, move onto something else!
Sticking to the same old activities in the same old gym won’t be doing you any favours; not only will you get bored, but you’ll no longer be doing your body as much good where you’re constantly using the same muscle groups.
4. Buy some new workout clothes
It sounds shallow, but it does work – buying yourself some new workout clothes can make all the difference to your motivation.
When we look good on the outside, we feel good on the inside. If you’ve been working out for some time, your shape has probably changed so treat yourself to some new workout gear which flatters your body.
You’ll be so excited to go and test it out that it can give you an added boost of motivation when things start feeling like a drag.
Keeping up with a workout routine takes a lot of time and effort. However, if you’re managing it then good for you- it really is something worth applauding.
If, on the other hand, you’re finding that you’re losing motivation, try any of the above suggestions to give you a boost again. With the new year right around the corner, you also have this to give you a bit of a kick if you’ve started slacking.