Celebrity Fad Diets to AVOID!
Celebrities and supermodels, known as the most beautiful people in the world, are often looked up to for diet advice.
It’s hard not to watch them on the red carpet, in movies and in magazines and admire the way they look.
Some celebs even make incredibly dramatic transformations as they prepare for upcoming movie rolls, which may leave you wondering why you can’t do the same.
In your quest for a hot body and rapid results, you may consider jumping on the latest celebrity fad diet bandwagon, hoping that it will get you closer to a runway-ready body.
But, all too often, you are going to come across diets that will do far more harm than good.
Let’s look at the five biggest celebrity diet fads that you should be avoiding at all costs.
Celebrity Fad Diets to Avoid: #1
The Macrobiotic Diet
Gwyneth Paltrow is known for following her macrobiotic diet plan, which emphasizes eating grains as the staple food and adding select vegetables into the mix.
That may sound reasonable, but it also requires you to avoid all refined and animal-based foods as part of the plan. That’s where it gets a little too restrictive.
The problem with this diet is that while it will contain a wide variety of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, it’s very low in protein as well as calcium.
The star herself has reported that she has suffered from severe bone health problems, believed to have come on from using this diet plan.
The facts are clear. While this diet may have you losing fat and staying at a low weight, it’s not one to support your long-term health.
Celebrity Fad Diets to Avoid: #2
The Lemon Detox Diet
The lemon detox diet is the next of the fad diets that you should be avoiding if you want to achieve good health.
This diet is going to supposedly help you eliminate toxins from your system, but while doing this, it’s also going to put you at risk for a number of nutritional deficiencies. It can cause lean muscle mass loss too, meaning you’ll be thinner but weaker.
The only thing this diet includes is a drink made of maple syrup, lemon, cayenne pepper, salt, herbal tea and water. You get to drink it up to 10 times per day, but it contains nothing that will provide you real sustenance.
This fad diet is often used by Beyonce and Tania Zaetta, but you should definitely pass on this detox and stick to eating whole foods.
Celebrity Fad Diets to Avoid: #3
Five Factor Diet
Another of the hot celebrity fat diets, this one has been popularized by Jessica Simpson, Alicia Keyes and Eva Mendez. You get to eat five meals a day, but they each contain just five ingredients.
While the whole natural approach the diet takes on is good, the problem is that the foods it includes won’t provide you with nearly enough nutrients.
Plus, it’s pretty restrictive overall and is not going to teach you what healthy eating is all about.
Celebrity Fad Diets to Avoid: #4
The Baby Food Diet
This may be the silliest diet around, but Reece Witherspoon is fond of it.
The idea behind it is that eating fourteen servings of baby food throughout the day will lower your total calorie intake.
Where do I even start with this one? You’ll not only experience nutritional deficiencies on this diet, but you will also struggle to maintain the proper digestive enzymes for whole foods.
If you stay on it too long, it may take time to adjust back to a standard diet.
Furthermore, the baby food diet is not going to provide you enough iron, zinc and calcium, which could set you up for long-term health problems.
Baby food is good for babies, but it’s clearly not meant for full-grown adults.
Celebrity Fad Diets to Avoid: #5
Meal Replacement Shakes
Kim Kardashian is well-known for using meal replacement shake diets, where she’ll sub in drinks for whole food meals. While the calorie count is lower, this is again not going to teach anyone healthy eating skills.
You need to learn how to construct healthy meals yourself, not simply downing a diet drink and hoping for the best.
While the stars may claim to use these diets, remember that celebrities also often have full-time trainers and personal chefs also helping them dramatically transform their body, and those other factors have a greater influence on the results they see.
It’s not realistic to expect the same thing for yourself since you don’t have these luxuries, never mind the long hours each day these celebs often devote to their workout programs.
Focus on selecting a diet for yourself that includes plenty of foods in their natural state and that doesn’t require extreme limitations, and you will do far better in the long run.
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