Beyond Vanity: The Importance of Dental Health
5 Reasons for Maintaining Bright, Healthy, Good-Looking Teeth
Good dental health is not only important, it is vital. There is no denying that having a dazzling, healthy, white smile is an essential characteristic in today’s image-conscious, body-obsessed world. And so, your dental health and dental health education should be a top priority.
However, looking after your teeth and gums does more than just assist in guaranteeing you have a bright, white smile to show off. Instead, top dental health results in a healthy mouth which, in turn, is necessary for a healthy body and your overall well-being.
Great dental health and healthy eating go hand-in-hand to include eating real, delicious food. If you have an aversion to healthy foods, think again! What’s better than eating a real country salad which also massages your gums at the same time?
These 2 partners can enhance your life from improving your overall health to reducing the risk of life-threatening illnesses including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Additionally, your exceptional oral hygiene may even get you a pay raise!
These are only a few real returns giving priority to your dental health in order to have bright, healthy, good-looking teeth. Below, we list 5 reasons for rejoicing when you have a bright, dazzling smile, showing off teeth you’re proud of!
1. The Importance of Dental Health: Reason #1
Create A Better First Impression
If you have heard someone say, “Your smile is one of the first things people notice.” Then that person knows exactly what they’re talking about.
When you first meet someone, their smile with their pearly white teeth will be one of their most remembered features!
You don’t want your most remembered feature to be of your bad teeth, do you? Having a healthy smile is a surefire way to being perceived as more pleasant, intelligent and reliable. And who doesn’t want to be regarded as one (or all) of those things?
You only get one shot at a first impression, so it is essential you make the right one. So, take care of your dental health!
2. The Importance of Dental Health: Reason #2
Improve Your Job Prospects
Going along with the better first impression concept, recent studies have shown that your smile can massively influence how a job interview goes and the likelihood of you receiving a job promotion.
In addition to having a better chance of hearing a callback for a job, people with more charming smiles are regularly awarded a higher pay rate than those who don’t have nearly as refined looking teeth.
Certainly, a real reason to look after your dental health!
The study indicated that without realizing it, people perceive those with good oral hygiene and straight teeth to possess more sought-after traits. This is in contrast to those with crooked teeth. Such traits include happiness, more friends, and more substantial success!
So if you are in the market for a raise (who isn’t?!) or just want to take that next step in progressing your career, you may want to consider investing in your dental health including a whiter, brighter, straighter smile.
3. The Importance of Dental Health: Reason #3
Prevent gum and heart disease
There is no denying the fact that looking after your dental health results in having healthy teeth. This is essential to maintaining your overall health throughout your life. This is why it is so important to care for your gums to prevent gum recession. Your gums actually prop up your teeth!
Plaque build-up around your teeth leads to gingivitis. This inflammation of the gums and the first stage of gum disease. It results in swollen gums and teeth that suffer and bleed whenever they are brushed.
You need to be cleaning your teeth twice a day to ensure that the plaque (which is an accumulation of food and bacteria that appears in everyone’s mouth) is cleaned off and that your gums and teeth are healthy.
Furthermore, the bacteria from your mouth can make its way into your bloodstream. There is some evidence to suggest that having gum disease can increase your chances of having a heart attack or stroke.
People who experience persistent swelling from gum disease often develop various serious cardiovascular problems (for example, heart disease, blockage of blood vessels or strokes).
So, having a bright, healthy, good-looking smile isn’t just about vanity, it can also reduce your chances of suffering from degenerative diseases which include cancer.
Maintaining oral health can help preserve your overall health.
4. The Importance of Dental Health: Reason #4
Enhances Mood and Self-Confidence
You don’t have to be a scientist to understand that smiling instantly releases endorphins thoroughly – a mood-enhancing substance — that helps to keep stress away and your spirit high.
However, if you don’t like how your teeth look, then you aren’t going to be too quick to flash your smile. Alternatively, if you are satisfied with your pearly whites, then you are so much more likely to show them off.
This extends past just keeping you happy and the people that surround you. Everyone likes to surround themselves with people who smile, whether you have known them for decades or just became acquaintances recently.
Think about this: If, when you meet someone new, they never smile, you’ll most likely find them quite unfriendly and uptight, right?
You may not know that they are embarrassed about the condition of their teeth and are, therefore, trying to hide them. You don’t want to be one of these people!
You want to be comfortable smiling whenever something makes you giggle, or makes you happy.
Whenever you speak, laugh or smile, your teeth are on display to the world. This means a healthy set of teeth will increase your self-confidence. This, in turn, has a positive impact on other aspects of your life.
Furthermore, if you aren’t correctly looking after your dental health and are not cleaning your teeth regularly, then your mouth will start to smell. Who, actually, wants to be around or get close to someone with bad breath?
Again, make sure to thoroughly clean and floss your teeth at least twice a day. And, if you wear braces, it’s even more important to floss out food debris caught in your braces.
Smiling feels terrific — don’t let bad teeth stop you from experiencing one of life’s most pleasant joys.
5. The Importance of Dental Health: Reason #6
Saves You Money, Time and Effort
Prevention is better than cure, both for your health and for your bank account. By consistently looking after your teeth and gums (and, therefore, having a bright, healthy, beautiful smile), you are doing all you can to stop dental issues in the future which is desirable for your well-being and your spending money.
Remember that dental bills can get really expensive and pile up if you have a number of dental issues that need to be taken care of.
In addition to these genuine, none vanity-related reasons for looking after your teeth, there are (of course) also the very genuine, obviously appearance-related reasons.
Considering your overall appearance depends a lot on your mouth and teeth situation, it makes sense that having a healthy, dazzling, white smile makes a considerable difference in having a healthy, youthful appearance. On the other hand, having discolored teeth is a surefire way to add some serious damage to your appearance even as you age.
Keep all these factors in mind next time you consider skipping out on your dental hygiene routine, so you can keep flashing that pearly white smile.
Article by Dr. Michael Letham
Dr. Letham is the owner and dentist at 24/7 Dental and Bayside Smiles. He graduated from Sydney University in 2000 with Honours, receiving the R Morse Withycombe Prize for Proficiency in Clinical Periodontics (gum treatment)
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