Are You Exercising in The Summer Heat
5 Smart Sensible Tips
However, with the summer sun comes the summer heat, which can slow you down and make physical activity difficult on you, as well as dangerous for your health.
Fortunately, there are things you can do to make your outside workout safer and more pleasurable.
Below are 5 Tips for Exercising in The Summer Heat
#1. Adjust your routine to the weather
One thing that you can do is slow down a bit. If you’re used to running fast, try jogging at a more moderate pace, or even walking and picking up the speed gradually as you get used to the heat and the humidity outside. Make your workout less intense and take frequent breaks to keep your temperature and heart rate from going through the roof.
Pushing yourself to do the same amount of workout you do in cooler weather can weaken you significantly. Doing so could even send you to the emergency room, which is something you definitely want to avoid!
2. Timing Is Important!
If you’re practising for a race or another event that will take place in the middle of a summer day, you probably have to do your practice during the hottest hours.

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In that case, choose to work out in the shade, or at least stay in the shade while taking breaks. Also, wearing sunscreen is imperative. Always play smart and have with you a cooling towel or a spray bottle to lower your body temperature.
#3. Wear Lighter Clothing
What you want to achieve is less sun absorption and more air circulating through your clothes to keep your skin cooler. It ok to show some skin, but it’s not preferable to wearing too much in summer.
Use this opportunity to get some cute workout booty shorts and loose tank tops in light colors for perfect comfort while working out in high temperatures. However, don’t forget to put on some sunscreen before you leave your house.
#4. Stay Super-Hydrated
The higher the temperatures outside, the higher the chances of you getting dehydrated, so don’t go out without a bottle of water.
If your fluid loss gets too extreme, which is possible in the summer heat, you can experience fatigue or even heat stroke. Plus, if the humidity is high, your sweat could stick to your skin and your body temperature could rise additionally.
This is why you should drink some water and eat a piece of fruit before your exercise or when you take a break: fruit and vegetables are full of water.
#5. Practise Summer Sports Suited to Hot Weather
For example, if you want to stay active during the summer, but you hate the heat and the sweat, opt for swimming, water polo, or sports like surfing, water skiing or wakeboarding.
Spending time near water can help cool you down as well. So also consider beach volleyball, especially if you enjoy team sports and the soft feel of sand on your skin. It’s never boring, since there are only two players.
You’ll have to stay alert all the time and throw yourself around to get the ball over the net. There is a lesser chance of hurting yourself than in regular volleyball, since the sand will soften your fall each time.
There are ways to make working out in heat more comfortable and enjoyable. However, always listen to what your body’s telling you. If you start feeling sick or faint, stop what you’re doing, drink some water and sit under a shade for a while. Otherwise, enjoy your sunny days and have fun being active!
Contributing Author: Luke Douglas
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