High Energy Levels in School
5 Top Ways to Achieve This!
As a student, you may find yourself always tired and weak during class to the extent that you would just stare into the ceiling or take a nap.
In fact, you may find yourself attending some classes specifically with the intention to take a nap.
Feeling weak and disinterested during class is a common phenomenon that most students are struggling with. This is often as a result of low energy levels. High energy levels are vital for boosting your concentration as well as alertness.
High energy levels can be maintained; below are 5 ways to achieve this:
1. Avoid Skipping Meals
You are the food you eat and it goes without saying that you are not what you do not consume.
In most cases, you may find yourself having to skip a meal such as breakfast due to being late. Or you could just be lazy and don’t feel like serving yourself.
To remain energetic, you should eat regularly and healthily. Not skipping a meal does not mean that you are permitted to eat anything.
Watch out what you eat. Avoid such foods as carbohydrates, sodas and other sugar-enhanced foods. Instead, eat nuts, eggs, fatty fish, butter and avocados. Do not forget to drink lots of water.
2. Get Enough Sleep
One of the reasons that may contribute to you feeling weak and disinterested in class is either total lack of sleep or inadequate sleeping hours.
Sleep is a key activity and sufficient sleep gives you energy to keep active during the day.
After a long and tiring day, sleep is the only thing that supplies your energy back and helps your body recover back to normal. You are supposed to sleep for at least eight hours a night.
Many students ignore this important stage of life, sleep, as they spent more time either going through their phones, studying, or chatting with friends.
However, you may be experiencing difficulties in sleeping. This can be a health-related problem such as high blood pressure or stroke, and it is advisable that you consult a medical practitioner.
Sleep deprivation is the number one contributor to poor energy levels as well as a lousy and unexciting productivity during the day.
3. Get up and walk around the block
The longer you sit at one place, the more your energy is used up, and the more you become lousy and disinterested in class. Your energy levels are retained and sustained when you are active. Research has shown that your brain receives close to 60 liters of blood every hour, supplying it with oxygen as well as nutrients.
The pumping of blood to your brain is fastened when you are involved in an activity such as walking. When you are docile, the flow of blood to your brain slows down and you may start feeling like taking a nap.
Remember that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Having sat for some time, and feeling tired, the best way to regain your alertness is to stand up and walk around the block before coming back.
4. Avoid stressful situations
Your stress level impacts on how energetic and active your day in class will be. Stress leads you to stray away from the matter at hand and concentrate on whatever is stressing you. There are tactics that you can use to reduce or avoid stress.
You can avoid stress by:
- Maintaining positivity during the day. Don’t dwell on the negative always.
- Spend more time with cheerful friends and those who add value in your life.
- Take a cold shower. This helps you relax and activates the parasympathetic nervous system.
5. Take a nap
If your body needs a nap, give in to it once in a while. Obviously it’s best to just go to bed early anyway, but taking a nap helps your body and brain to relax and regain some energy in a pinch.
It is recommended that taking a nap of 20 to 30 minutes is healthy and keeps your energy levels high.
Taking a nap is not a sign of being lazy, but do not use it as an excuse to skip class.
Finding it hard to stay awake and remain energetic during class is not strange and should not worry you.
The good news is that this can be avoided by following the five steps outlined above. Follow them, try them out and remain alert in class.
Post by Dixie Somers
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