Overcome Insomnia Problems At Night …
5 Causes & How to Overcome Them
Insomnia problems at night? Are you finding it increasingly difficult to fall asleep in the evening? Or maybe you keep on waking up throughout the night?
Whichever part of sleep you are having trouble with, it is very important to try and sort it out straight away. Having insomnia problems at night and not sleeping enough, or having a poor quality of sleep, can be very damaging to your health.
And as well as suffering from these negative health effects, you will also have to face the day extremely tired and grumpy!
So what are the reasons for you not sleeping well enough? Perhaps you have problems with one of the following:
Overcome Insomnia Problems at Night: Cause & Solution #1
You Have An Underlying Health Condition
There are some health conditions that affect how we sleep.
For example, lying down can make heartburn symptoms much worse. Sufferers can often find it very difficult to drop off at night.
If this sounds like the problem that you are experiencing, try and stay away from fatty foods and alcohol before you go to bed. There are also some over-the-counter drugs that can help to reduce your symptoms.
Another common health complaint that affects adults is nocturia. If you suffer from nocturia, you have to get up and go to the toilet frequently each night.
Nocturia is normally a sign that you are suffering from something. These could include such problems as a liver failure or a bladder infection.
Visit your doctor and see if he or she can find the cause. Once you have your health condition cleared up, you will find that your ability to sleep drastically improves.
Overcome Insomnia Problems at Night: Cause & Solution #2
Your Bedroom Isn’t The Right Temperature
Another reason why many people wake up so often during the night is that their bedroom is not at the optimum temperature for sleep. The ideal sleeping temperature needs to be neither too hot nor too cold.
During the summer, be sure to sleep with the window open if the weather is hot. This can help maintain the right temperature. It’ll also prevent the room from getting stuffy.
In the winter, try not to overheat the room. It’s a good idea to air out the room during the day while you are not in it and then turn on the heating low overnight.
Overcome Insomnia Problems at Night: Cause & Solution #3
Your Bed Isn’t Comfortable Enough
If your bed is all lumpy and bumpy, there is no way you will be able to sleep in it. When it comes to buying furniture, your bed is one piece that you should splash out on. Investing in a top-quality bed can really help to give your sleep a boost.
Large beds and king-size mattresses will provide you with enough room to move around during the night.
You should also consider getting some excellent linen, such as Egyptian cotton sheets. These are super soft and help your skin to breathe while you are sleeping.
Overcome Insomnia Problems at Night: Cause & Solution #4
There Are Too Many Distractions
If you want to fall asleep quickly and stay fast asleep, you need to eliminate all noise and light distractions from your bedroom.
Replace thin curtains with thick curtains or blinds. This will ensure that no early morning sunlight wakes you up before your alarm. These can also keep out light from nearby streetlights.
If you can hear noise from the street outside, see about getting your bedroom sound-proofed. It can be expensive to get this professionally done, but thankfully, there are plenty of quick hacks you can use. For example, get double-glazed windows. These can block out a lot of noise and help to insulate your room.
Overcome Insomnia Problems at Night: Cause & Solution #5
You Have Too Much Screen Time & Blue Light Before Bed
Recent studies have shown that looking at your smartphone and laptop screens just before bed can keep you awake for longer.
That is because of the blue light emitted from the screens. This suppresses melatonin, a natural chemical produced by the body that helps us fall asleep. When this is suppressed, you will find it incredibly difficult to get some shuteye.
To make sure you don’t have a problem with this, turn off your screens at least an hour before you head up to bed.
There are many better ways you can unwind and get ready to sleep. Why not take a book up to bed with you? Reading is very relaxing, especially so when you read something you love.
Relaxing in a hot bath or meditating just before bed can also help your mind and body switch off.
Still having insomnia problems at night? Having trouble with sleep? You won’t be once you follow these useful tips. Even just following one of the above hacks could help you quickly improve your sleep cycle. And you will feel a lot healthier and happier for it. That’s for sure!
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