Losing Weight Before The New Year
Use These 4 Tips To Attain Your Goal!
Losing Weight Before The New Year : What does the holiday period mean to you? Family, love, connection? A religious celebration, or perhaps, gift giving to all and every family member you have? Does it mean a walk in the snow in the cold winter, or building a snowman with your laughing children?
For you, the holiday period might mean all or none of these things. However, there’s almost certainly one thing it will mean, on a universal basis. Food. Lots and lots of food.
If you’re hoping to lose weight successfully before the new year to give you some extra time for your new year’s resolutions to be a success, you might be worried about this period.
Christmas or any assorted personal holiday over this time are hardly the events in which you can deny the beautiful dinner someone has made.
Neither is it nice or polite to reject the dinner party invite of your closest friend. It’s hard to deny the cake your friend or family member has spent time baking.

This is wonderful to experience, but can add pounds to your waist very quickly.
Consider adopting a low-carb diet, even in the short term. Download the free ebook here. It is quite possible to lose a couple of spare pounds/kilos in a relatively short space in time.
Below are 4 simple weight-loss techniques to also help you do the best you can in this time frame, Losing Weight Before The New Year, while also being able to indulge.
1. Implement A Consistent Fitness Routine
No matter what you decide to do, planning and making time for a consistent fitness routine is one of the most important things to get you there.
You may have purchased some technogym equipment to work out on in the mornings. Great! Now, the important part is that you make good on that investment by actually using it consistently.
You might even decide to commit to a morning walk five days a week followed by some light bodyweight exercises and a few stretches.
You need to keep at it. We’d recommend doing something with a friend as this can help you feel reliant on someone else, and less likely to let them down in the same token.

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For example, the both of you can visit the local yoga class together. And once more, sticking to practising these exercises can help you shift pounds before the end of the year. However, more importantly, doing these yoga exercises regularly creates a lifestyle habit that is firmly cemented by the time your new year’s resolutions roll around.
2. Limit The Alcohol
For those who indulge in drinking from time to time, the holiday season can be a tempting period to indulge. Of course, this isn’t needed to have fun. And certainly not in day-to-day life.
If you’re interested in being your best self and losing weight, consider cutting out or limiting the alcohol this Christmas. Just focus on having the most fun with your family and friends.
The lack of injurious alcohol you consume here can more than make up for them that you eat during the feasts you craft. This one alcoholic abstinence can help you feel more together and alert to enjoy the days in the first place.
3. Stress and Weight Gain
Do you stress out easily? If so, it’s high time to learn techniques to lower your stress levels.
Stress is uncomfortable and can lead to the start of degenerative problems like stroke and heart attacks.

And stress makes more prone to emotional eating. In other instances, the stressed person will often eat indiscriminately, and so the weight piles on.
Learn stress management and stress reduction techniques like yoga and meditation. When you are in charge of your life, you will find it so much easier not to binge eat!

4. Beauty Sleep is vital to Weight Loss
It is a research fact that a lack of sleep leads to weight gain.
So stop the late nights, and plan your sleep time carefully. You should aim for 8 hours sound sleep every night in a pitch-black, dark room without any light on.
To help prepare yourself for restful sleep, wind down at least 3 hours before your scheduled bed time. Stop the use of all electronic devices. Do not drink stimulating drinks including alcohol and coffee. Do some meditation or read something relaxing that you like.
All these will prepare your mind and body to slow down, relax and prepare to fall easily asleep. And doing so, you will be helping your weight loss goal!
With such limited time before the new year, extensive advice isn’t required nor applicable. Consider these two tidbits of advice, and you’re much likelier to stick to your goal.
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