5 Reasons Why Your Are Not Losing Weight!
The complex process of getting rid of those pesky extra pounds boils down to just a few essential factors, but when a single one of them isn’t adjusted to your specific needs and potential, the whole system fails to work.
So many people strongly believe that they’re doing everything right, while one misstep might be causing them to delay reaching their fitness goals.
From tweaking your diet to changing your exercise routine, the weight-loss spectrum allows for different solutions for everyone, making it all the more challenging to pinpoint the weak link in your plan.
Not Losing Weight? Reason #1:
Too little muscle-friendly food
Sure, everyone who wishes to lose some weight needs to lower their calorie intake, but it matters which calories you choose to skip.
Starchy carbs and processed foods laden with empty calories and with little nutritional value.
They are the main culprits of fat gain. However, people seem to cut their food intake in half on every front and expect instant results!
Break down your calories, learn about the value of the foods you eat and based on the given numbers, assess whether or not you have enough protein in your diet – this seems to be the most commonly overlooked factor, especially among the ladies.
Essential amino acids for muscle-building play a pivotal role in weight-loss, so treat yourself to more chicken breast, eggs and dairy for extra protein.
Not Losing Weight? Reason #2: A poor support system
In addition to a well-balanced diet, hydration somehow often ends up neglected. Your body is then forced to retain water, making it all the more difficult to lose weight in any form.
Having a water bottle and measuring your intake can be a hassle at first, but it will allow you to optimize your progress.
Additionally, don’t forget about plenty of rest!
When you’re on a restricted diet, plus you exercise a few times a week, your body needs a consistent sleeping routine.
Sufficient quality sleep helps to ensure proper nutrient absorption, a faster metabolism, tissue regeneration and of course, losing weight at a healthy pace.
Not Losing Weight? Reason #3: Everyday decisions that matter
You’d be surprised to what extent your fitness success may depend on some of the seemingly least relevant choices you make on a daily basis.
Studies show that everything from choosing suitable fitness gear that allows an effective training session, to picking the right playlist can affect your athletic performance.
The next time you start prepping for your workout, make sure to pack high-quality gym wear, plenty of water, your morale-boosting playlist, and let the endorphins and dopamine do the rest.
Always bring protective gear and a healthy snack for later, and you’ll quickly feel a difference in your performance and your weight loss pace.
Not Losing Weight? Reason #4: Thyroid Problems
Even when your exercise routine and your diet are in order, there are factors that can impede your progress, which can be a buzzkill for your desire to keep working towards your goals.
Hormonal imbalances caused by menopause or pregnancy aside, your hormones do play a key role in how well your body responds to exercise and diet.
For example, your thyroid gland is essential for the production of hormones needed for high energy levels, a healthy breakdown of nutrients and burning fat.
If you notice a standstill in your progress despite your best efforts, visit a doctor, because with the right medication, your thyroid can be managed and no longer pose a problem.
Not Losing Weight? Reason #5: You may be chronically stressed
The sneaky issue that can also affect your hormonal balance is too much prolonged stress.
Whether you work in a stressful environment, and you have little time or opportunity to vent all the pent-up negativity, stress is a powerful cortisol-booster, a hormone linked to persistent obesity and a higher BMI.
Trying to lose weight on top of everything else can also be highly stressful, so do your best to find a way to relax and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
Balance your expectations, keep track of your progress, and incorporate techniques such as meditation or breathing exercises to keep calm and stay on top of your fitness goals.
Author: Samantha Olivier
Samantha has a B.Sc. in nutrition, and has spent two years working as a personal trainer. Ripped.me
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