How to go about Solving The Calorie Equation
Easy Ways To Hit Your Daily Burn
To lose weight, your body must burn more calories than it takes on board.
We all know that running, rowing and swimming burn calories, but did you know that your body is constantly using energy, even when you sleep? That’s right, a seven-hour sleep will burn more than 380 calories!
If you’re taking an interest in calorie counting, there are some really easy ways to hit your daily burn.
Take getting ready in the morning as an example. You can scratch off 62 calories by getting in the shower, 39 by drying your hair and 66 by ironing your clothes for half an hour.
2. However, if you’re in a hurry, driving for 30 minutes will add another 60 calories. Using the stairs instead of the lift will add 15 calories every time.
3. Even if you have a desk job, you can use 102 calories per hour just by sitting down. If you have a more labour-intensive job, such as carpentry or tiling, you could burn over 160 calories per half hour.
4. Away from your desk, you can continue to work towards your daily burn by carrying out jobs like doing the laundry and grocery shopping or you could opt for a more fun activity, such as playing with your kids.
5. Shopping can burn up to 130 calories per 30 minutes while playing games with your little ones can burn more than 180 calories per half hour.
6. Even unwinding in front of the TV can help you scratch off another 27 calories. If you’re short of your target, getting on your bike or going for a run is bound to help. Running at 7.5 mph burns a whopping 940 calories per hour.
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