Sports Injuries:
3 Top Expert Tips to Reduce This Risk
Sports injuries can happen at any time. And getting injured when exercising or playing sports is not a laughing matter. An injury can cause pain, weaken your body and make mobility an issue.
If you aren’t able to run or jump due to your injury, you also won’t be able to exercise or play sports for a while. This can affect your fitness levels, social life and even cause your health to deteriorate.
Depending on the severity of your injury, it could take weeks or even years for you to fully recover.
Fortunately, there are a few simple methods you can use to decrease the risk of injury significantly. So no matter what kind of exercise you enjoy being involved in, this expert advice can keep you injury-free.
Sports Injuries Risk Reducer tip#1:
Use The Right Equipment
Many sports injuries are caused by using incorrectly set-up or unsuitable equipment.
So whether it’s gym equipment or helmets, always check the condition and know how to use them beforehand. This can be time consuming, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Using the right equipment also extends to the shoes and clothing you decide to wear.
They need to fit correctly and provide both comfort and support. Tight fitting sportswear has been found to aid performance while also reducing the risk of injury.
Wearing a copper compression sleeve on your knees, elbows and ankles can also minimize injuries. So make sure you have the right equipment to wear and use before you begin.
Sports Injuries Risk Reducer tip#2:
Always Warm Up and Cool Down
Many people don’t see warming up as a priority and see it as more of a chore instead. But warming up is one of the best things you can do to avoid getting injured.
So before you start any kind of exercise, spend ten minutes beforehand warming up. This should involve gentle stretching which makes your muscles more flexible and less likely to strain. You also need to get your heart pumping by taking a brisk walk, jogging on the spot or cycling.
Cooling down is just as important as warming up and can help you avoid getting stiff and sore muscles after you exercise.
Look for warming up and cooling down tutorials on Youtube for further inspiration.
Sports Injuries Risk Reducer tip#3:
Stay Hydrated
Another top cause of sporting injuries is dehydration. Without sufficient fluids, your body can shut down. This can cause injury to you and to others.
This is why it’s so important to drink plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise.
Your body continually loses water through sweat, particularly during extensive workouts.
So you need to replace this lost fluid to ensure your body functions correctly. .
There are a number of sports drinks you can buy that can assist you in staying focused and hydrated. But no drink is more efficient than water. So keep a bottle with you throughout your game or regime.
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