Spring Cycling Essentials
4 Non-Negotiables You Absolutely Need for a Safe & Comfortable Ride!
When spring time officially arrives, sometimes the weather doesn’t seem as if it has received the message, because perhaps it is raining cats and dogs and terribly cold!
One of the awesome things about March to May is the weather. As the days get longer, the weather gets warmer. Gone are the days when you have to wrap up every inch of flesh from the cold ~ spring is a comfortable month.
Plus, there is no need to rush home to catch the last rays of sunlight. It’s a fact.
Spring is a great time to take up cycling. However, before you hit the road, there is a list of things you need as cycling in spring isn’t a doddle. Well, not unless you have these to hand.
Spring Cycling Essentials: Must-Have #1
Cycling Jersey
Do you watch the Tour de France or the Olympics? If you do, you will notice that they all wear lightweight jerseys.
And, there is a good reason. The reason is that they are effective in all weathers, which means a jersey is perfect for spring.
Although the climate is better, the season is still prone to showers and cold winds. To make sure you don’t get caught out by the weather, a jersey uses lightweight materials that keep the heat in. Also, it is skin tight so as not to let the heat out.
In the warm weather, it helps to keep you cool as it only covers the chest area. The arms and legs are free to feel the breeze against the skin.

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Spring Cycling Essentials: Must-Have #2
Wind Jacket
Sometimes, the weather is even worse than a light shower. From time to time, it’s pretty intense as high winds lash at your body from head to toe.
In these conditions, you need more than a jersey. What you need is a wind jacket. As the name suggests, the jacket is designed to keep the wind at bay as the hiking materials take the brunt of the wind.
A good windbreaker is also waterproof to ensure you stay dry and warm. If the weather improves, the sides and armpits have breathable holes that aid condensation. Or, you can take the jacket off and stow it in your bag.
Spring Cycling Essentials: Must-Have #3
Saddle Bag
A saddle bag is essential because you will need to carry a lot of gear when you go for a ride.
Bikes are notoriously unreliable, and wheels will puncture and chains snap. When they do, you need to fix or replace them so that you aren’t stranded miles from civilisation.
Also, you’ll need to eat and drink to keep your energy levels high and to stay hydrated. Then, you’d need a place to store your valuables like a mobile phone or house keys.
As you can tell, there isn’t any space for these items on the bike. There is plenty of space in a bag, and the bag attaches to the bike. Simple.
Spring Cycling Essentials: Must-Have #4
Yes, you need to wear a helmet all year around because bike accidents are no joke. They happen, and when they do, they can cause serious harm.
But, in the spring, there is no need for a chunky one. It only makes life harder and more uncomfortable, so you should try a sleeker version. The lighter helmets are much better in the warm weather, and they aid performance as they weigh less.
There’s no need to worry about your safety as these helmets are just as effective as the traditional ones.
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Spring Cycling Essentials: Must-Haves!
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