Get Rid of Resistant Fat
6 Top Tricks to Finally Achieve This!
There’s nothing worse than cleaning up your diet and spending hours each week exercising only to find that all of your efforts aren’t working. And, worse still, find that stubborn belly fat is just not shifting!
Unfortunately, this is a very common problem and it can put many people off losing weight and leading a healthier lifestyle.
Luckily, although resistant belly fat can be extremely difficult to shift, it is not impossible.
Below are 6 of the best things you can do to finally get rid of resistant fat once and for all…
1. Move, Move and Move Some More
Visceral belly fat might be pretty persistent in sticking around when you don’t want it to, but aerobic activity is its natural enemy.
So, set up a if you spend as much of your time as you possibly can walking, jogging, cyclings, jumping or basically doing anything that gets your heart rate up, you will notice it starting to shrink.
Scientists have found that moving for the equivalent of 12 miles a week is all it takes to make a dent in that fat and slim down, so aim for that.
2. Make Protein Your Best Friend
Protein is undoubtedly your best friend when it comes to banishing resistant belly fat. You see, a diet that is high in protein will help to protect your body from insulin resistance. High levels of insulin can lead to you storing more belly fat!
You can find an example of a healthy high protein diet at http://www.womenshealthmag.co.uk/protein. Aim for at least 30 percent protein with every meal for best results.
3. Eat Plenty of Polyunsaturates
For so long we have been told that fat makes us fat and we should avoid it if we want to stay toned and lose that belly fat, but that isn’t true.
It’s actually very important that we eat plenty of polyunsaturated fats if we want to stay healthy and tackle that resistant fat. So, load up on oily fish, nuts and seeds as part of a healthy diet and you will start to see that stubborn fat shifting.
4. Drink a Little Vinegar
According to a study conducted on obese people in Japan, drinking one or two tablespoons of vinegar each day can decrease the amount of visceral fat in the body.
This is possibly because acetic acid, which is found in vinegar, produces a kind of protein that burns fat.
5. Get More Sleep
Sleep is so important to your health and your beauty. The less sleep you have, the more likely you are to be overweight, have bad skin and suffer from stress and various mental health issues.
So, be sure to get between 7 and 9 hours a night if you want to start losing your sugar cravings and finally getting rid of your resistant fat.
6. Cosmetic Surgery
If all else fails, having a cosmetic procedure like the one at liposuctionsydney.com, can help you to get rid of the fat. Then, if you put the other suggestions in this post into practice, you should be able to keep it off..
Losing stubborn fat won’t happen overnight. However, if you work hard at it and make a few healthy changes to your lifestyle, you will lose it. And you will be able to keep it off. Just don’t give up too soon!