Reshape Your Waist and Thighs
With These 4 Workouts
Staying in perfect shape is everybody’s dream. There are so many exercises you can do from swimming to marathon running to bodybuilding.
However, there are often obstacles to the form of exercise you can undertake. Sometimes you may not have the strength to do certain excessive and backbreaking exercises. Other obstacles can include your body not being predisposed to certain types of exercise.
So since our bodies come in different shapes, you actually want to boost your lower half rather than an entire body.
Below are 4 great workouts to Reshape Your Waist and Thighs that you can do.
1. Try a variety of clutching exercises
After a long, stressful and tedious working day and constant sitting at your desk, you have noticed that your lower body, especially buttocks and thighs, have started to lessen those muscles.
You should then jump into your comfy tracksuit and play some energetic music and start working out.
First do some basic but essential warm-ups. Then focus on doing tone building squats. Try holding your back against the wall in a sitting position for about 40 seconds, and then take a break and repeat. This exercise is actually called wall sit. Not so easy, right?

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You should immediately start feeling your muscles tightening. And the bonus surprise is that sooner than you have expected, you will get a perfectly shaped lower body.
Next, do a similar clutch exercise, traditionally called the plank. Here, you go down, bend your elbows and lie straight, and also hold your entire body in straight position for 40 seconds. Then pause.
For the beginning, try 10 reps. As you progress, you can enhance that number. And be prepared for gorgeous abs and body!
2. Go cycling
Of course, a splendid body isn’t built in a day. Sometimes, you have to lose weight generally all over so that you can reshape your waist and tights.
If you don’t prefer the gym and hate aerobics, then cycling is the best workout for you. Before starting to pedal, you have to make sure that you have quality bike tyres that can withstand any route and terrain that you may have decided to ride on.

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You should try to cycle for a minimum of 30 minutes per day at a speed of between 50 to 110 rpm to achieve those desired results. Bear in mind, that you will be the one who will dictate the pace and rhythm. You can do a series of slow and fast pedaling. Try going to the mountains and put pressure on your thighs by doing some forceful exercise.
3. Do some universal operations
Many experts reckon that for obtaining that fantastic body, you don’t need to do tiring cardio exercises. Instead, you should start with low impact and built up gradually to high impact workouts.
So, you should start off by doing some classic step-ups and lunges. Next, for emphasizing your lower body, try doing single leg deadlift where you balance on one leg and then move forward with your entire body. This exercise will definitely tighten your gluteal muscles and strengthen your hamstrings.
For getting a trimmer waist, you should try side bends, hula-hooping or do the traditional abs workout.
A very productive exercise is to lie on your hip, put your elbows under your left shoulder (depending on switch side you are on) and while keeping your hands on the floor, start pulling your knees to your chest. Doing three series of 30 reps would be a great start.
Have you heard about the burpee? There is no better way to do a complete body workout, especially for abs, arms, waist, and tights than by doing a burpee.
It involves doing a fast movement of push-ups, followed immediately by pulling of your legs to a squat and then a high jump. All these have to be done in one sequence.
4. Boost up your body by weightlifting
It is a common misconception that by weightlifting you can only build up your biceps and triceps.
To get that supremely reshaped muscle tone, along with necessary cardio, you can grab a dumbbell in one arm. Stand straight, bend your upper body to the left side and then to the right. You will feel your side waist muscles stretching and tightening.
You can also do a side plank exercise, also with dumbbells. Lie down, bend your right arm, take a dumbbell in the left arm and extend it. Then raise your hips and then start pulling your left arm under your hips and up.
This is actually a great exercise for the abs and lower body.
5. Focus on your Diet and Premium Nutrients
No matter how intense you exercise and sweat, know that you won’t achieve that perfectly shaped body shape unless you watch what you eat. Always go for real food.
Proper and quality eating and intake of healthy foods and proteins result in an optimal weight loss success.
Eating fresh fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts and good fats guarantees you superb results. Also, avoid processed food, white sugar and flour.
However, because of the world we live in today with industrial farming, we need to supplement our diets with plant-based bio-available nutrients. Add minerals, the spark plugs of life,vitamin C and a full-spectrum multivitamin for optimal daily health.
For daily wear-and-tear, and also while working out, nip inflammation in the bud with curcumin.
Finally, take advantage of science and technology, and treat your body to oral stem cell support. This stimulates your bone marrow to produce adult stem cells to self-regenerate. A great complement to your exercise efforts of resculpting and rebuilding your shapely waist and thighs!

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Whether you do a wall sit, pile squats, or side crunches, believe that you can get fantastically reshaped waist and thighs if you also do some essential cardio in addition to healthy eating.
Always try to do a combination of the above-mentioned tips. Strive to maintain a consistent exercise routine daily of at least 30 minutes, and you will notice the results in no time.
Article by Audrey Taylor
Audrey was born in San Francisco, and moved to Adelaide at the age of five. Marketer researcher and social media manager on hold, full – time mommy of a cheerful two-year-old. Twitter:
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