Work Out A Plan To Keep Fit In Later Life
Never say never should be the attitude that we all share. However that’s more than wishful thinking as you’re either a sceptic, cynicist or pessimist these days with hardly any room for being an optimist.
Our lives have sped up so fast, that we hardly have time to ourselves. You would think that as you get older and start to get on a bit in life, this would all change but no, it doesn’t.

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We’re not living longer than ever due to advanced medical care and prescription medication, as well as more chance of living from terminal illnesses. Our diets have vastly improved in just two short decades. And now we understand how our body reacts to certain lifestyles.
On top of this, the retirement age just seems to keep going up and up, so we get about as much time to ourselves as we can personally afford.
If you’re of the mind that you want to stay in shape, is working out when you’re closing in on retirement age even worth it?
1. Cardio Dedication
It’s fair to say that most people would rather do standard cardio work than to lift weights or do some kind of aerobics class.
Cardiovascular training such as stationary cycling, jogging on a treadmill, ballroom dancing or fast-paced walking in the park are all the most common form of workout that is done among the population. You don’t need any equipment, you can sign up for a gym membership, or you can simple buy some running shoes and get to your local greenfield park.
If you’re older, something like the weather can put you off. There may have been a time when this wouldn’t happen but as you age you become a bit more sensitive. This is no reason to blunt your cardio dedication as getting some body warmer clothes made for running would allow you to keep warm even in the rain.
It takes real effort to weight train when you’re getting on a bit, but cardio training is simple and effective. Don’t allow the elements to take away a vital workout day.
2. Having a plan
When you were young you could pop outside to go for a run whenever you felt like it. But now it’s not something you desire to do.
Structure and stability are things you look for when you’re getting older. The days of training with dumbbells is not over yet for you, as a weight training for women over 40 is a concept that works.
Over the span of 40 days, you’ll make 40 recipes of delicious but healthy food, and perform 40 exercises of all kinds. It’s the 40-40-40 plan that is lauded by many people who have tried it.

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It’s not too long and not too short, it’s a plan that has video workouts for you to follow along, motivational content as well as support for when the going gets tough and purpose-designed meals to fuel you back up to full capacity, ready to do it again tomorrow.
Working out over a certain age does require the extra push and dedication. A structured plan is designed to take out the stress of figuring out what kinds of workouts you can do safely.
Cardio training should become the mainstay of your fitness life, as it’s the easiest and least physically taxing.

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Share with us your plan, experiences, tips and suggestions to stay fit as you grow older.