No More Excuses: Fit Cardio Into Your Routine Now
5 Top Hacks!
Getting to the gym and doing some weight training is great fun. And you’ve probably got your routine nailed down by now!
However, I bet you’re neglecting cardio aren’t you? Don’t feel bad, most of us do it. It seems like cardio is everybody’s least favorite part of a workout.
However, without it, you won’t be getting the best results. It needs to be a part of your routine, although that doesn’t mean you have to spend ages on it.

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Fit Cardio Into Your Workout #1:
Cardio Between Sets
When you’re weight training, you’ll be having a break of anywhere between thirty seconds and a few minutes. This interval break depends on the intensity of your workout.
Spread across an hour or so workout, this can add up to a lot of time that you spend doing nothing. Filling these gaps with cardio is a great way to get it into your workout.
You won’t be doing extended periods, so it doesn’t become a chore. Neither will you have to extend your workout time. So don’t say that you haven’t got time to do cardio. That excuse doesn’t fly anymore.
Being constantly active will improve your overall fitness. You will also be maximising the results that you get from the weight training that you are doing.
So, what cardio exercises can you do in that time? Below are 4 simple ways to get cardio into your routine.
Fit Cardio Into Your Workout #2:
The treadmill is the most obvious one, and you don’t need to run long distances to get the benefit. Doing short sprint bursts of a minute or so will really get the heart going.
If you are feeling too tired towards the end of your session, a slow jog or even a walk, is still better than doing nothing.
Visit BestCardioGear.com for more tips on getting the most out of the treadmill.
Fit Cardio Into Your Workout #3:
Exercise Bike
If the treadmill isn’t your thing, then try getting on a bike for a few minutes.
You might not think it, but cycling gives you a good upper body workout as well as working your legs. It is often overlooked by people doing strength training, but it is one of the best tools you have at your disposal.
If you are doing squats, then it might be best to avoid the bike, or at least go easy. Otherwise you’ll find your legs struggling when you get back to weight training.

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Fit Cardio Into Your Workout #4:
You don’t need any equipment for this one, so you can transition seamlessly from cardio to weight training.
As soon as you finish a set, jump straight into burpees for thirty seconds to a minute, then grab your weights again. Burpees are quite easy on the muscles compared to other forms of cardio, so you should be able to sustain this for the duration.

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Fit Cardio Into Your Workout #5:
Jumping Jacks
This is another one that doesn’t require any equipment, and, like burpees, it is not too harsh on the muscles.
You can really push yourself by doing as many as possible during your breaks, trying to beat your record each time.
Now we’ve shown you some simple ways to sneak it into your workout, there’s no more excuses for not doing your cardio.