Crash Diets for Weight Loss Can Harm Your Health!
3 Reasons Why
Think you need crash diets for weight loss? Think again!
Yes, you may have a big birthday coming soon or you’re invited to a wedding reception. Of course, you want to shine and look your best.

However, maybe you have been struggling with your weight loss journey with dire results. Or perhaps you’ve been following some whacky diet or other. Or you’ve accidentally lost track and undone all your efforts. All these can make it very stressful to feel confident at big, important events.
Of course, you want to look your best. So, you mark with a cross in the calendar the date by which you want to have dropped a dress size, toned up your abs, or anything else that dramatically transforms your appearance.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with finding something to motivate you. But, you need to be careful. If you don’t give yourself sufficient time to plan a healthy weight loss journey, you are likely to put your fitness at risk.
1. Weight loss should be a lifestyle change
Losing weight is never a miracle solution. It starts with a consistent program. The key is not to find the magic potion that melts fat away. The key is consistency over time.
That’s precisely why it can be challenging to stay motivated and to actually sustain that get-fit motivation when you’re making changes within a short period of time.
You may not be able to see any significant improvement at first. After all, you don’t lose weight after one day. So what you really need is to maintain your motivation during your weight loss journey!
Therefore, if you want to follow a healthy weight loss plan, it can be extremely disappointing when it comes to short-term results. Why, because, you’ll most likely fail flat!
2. You are more likely to take inconsiderate risks to see results
It’s not uncommon to pile up additional workout sessions to speed up the weight loss process. However, you need to be careful. Overtraining comes at a high cost, as any physiotherapy specialist can tell you.
If your body doesn’t have enough rest time, it can’t recover between workouts. As a consequence, you are more likely to injure yourself. For example, you may tear a shoulder tendon. This is because either because your body can’t hold the posture anymore or because you’re straining your joints and muscles through repetitive movements.

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3. Sure, crash diets work ~ short-term, but never forever
Getting thin fast has become a mediatic obsession. You only need to turn to Instagram to find countless influencers suggesting bogus crash diets and cleansing plans.
Most crash diets show positive results, some as early as within a week. But don’t let it fool you. To be effective, last-minute diets are designed with no regard for nutritional values. Sometimes, despite the deprivation, you don’t even lose that unwanted weight!
Indeed, rapid weight loss through high-calorie deficit weakens your immune system and increases cardiac stress as vital nutrients for optimal health are missing. To put it clearly, crash dieting causes using artificial foods, chemicals and unwholesome methods makes you stressed-up, unfit, unhealthy and susceptible to disease.
To lose weight effectively, you need to use sustainable plans, like eating REAL, wholesome delicious food. Such delicious dishes make you feel so satisfied that you don’t go searching for junk food.
Artificial, palatable foods like low-fat, low-sugar, GM-ed foods have all been modified. As such, they can never fulfill your real need and desire for proper nutritional and emotional sustenance. Your crash diets are doomed to failure from the very start.
In conclusion, while there is evidence that you can transform your body in a short amount of time, you need to be very careful about it. From exercise and fitness training to strict dieting, no approach to rapid weight loss is healthy.
The only healthy, sustainable way is steady and consistent weight loss. Here are healthy, successful weight loss secrets you must know, learn about and implement!
If you are looking effective weight loss before a big event, make it your new goal to improve your lifestyle by eliminating stress-busting eating bad habits. Learn how to revamp your diet and bad food habits.
You are not going to drop a dress size in a matter of weeks. But, your lifestyle changes won’t go unnoticed. Your skin will be glowing and bright. Your clothes might feel fashionably loose on you. But, more importantly, you’ll still be able to enjoy the party without depriving yourself!!!