Home Gym Equipment
3 Top Pieces of Gym Equipment for You call The Shots
For many of us, keeping fit and healthy is a huge and important part of our lives. It doesn’t just keep us looking good and feeling body confident.
It can also have a profound impact on our health, leading to a longer and happier life.
However, finding ways to maintain a good level of fitness is a different issue altogether. Time – or rather lack of it – is a common problem for many people.

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Working a full-time job and having a family to care for often means that time is the one thing we don’t have an unlimited supply of, This lack of time can result in our workouts taking a backseat.
Becoming bored and uninspired by your workout routines is another. After all, if you are doing the same things week-in-week-out, it’s only a matter of time before you start becoming bored and your mind starts wandering.
Both of these examples can have negative effects on our workout motivation and thus our health too. So if you relate to either of these, it could be time to take action.
A home gym is an easy way to fit your workouts around your job and your family life, and they can be surprisingly innovative too.
Here are 3 top pieces of home gym equipment your spare room is crying out for:
Home Gym Equipment #1
A Treadmill or A Spin Bike
Okay, so you might be wondering how these can be remotely innovative at all.
Treadmills and bikes are often considered the most monotonous machines in the gym. So how can having one at home help you?
Well, you would be surprised. Firstly, here is the most obvious option:
These machines mean you can get your cardio in even when the weather outside is too bad to go out. They also offer many different settings that may give you a much greater challenge. This would be more than your usual run around the block would do.
For example, you can use interval training or hill climb training as a setting on these cardio machines. Visit a site like this to find a machine that ticks all your boxes.

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Plus, let’s not forget that you can rest your phone or tablet on the display so you can watch your favorite show while you work out!
Home Gym Equipment #2
A Balance Ball and A Yoga Mat
There are days where you still want to get a workout in; however, you may not fancy doing anything that requires too much exertion.
Pilates and yoga are great options for these days. If you’re interested in either of them, you definitely need a balance ball and yoga mat at home.
These items are pretty inexpensive and are great for improving your core strength as well as toning any problem areas.
Home Gym Equipment #3
Various Weights.
It may seem crazy now, but there used to be a time when women barely touched weights as part of their fitness regime. They used to opt only for cardio instead.
Nowadays, however, the fear of getting overly muscular has been stripped away. More and more women are picking up weights to increase strength and to get toned.
Aim to have a few in your home selection. Dumbbells are always great and easy to use. A good bar with varying weights to put on the ends never goes amiss either.
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Do you own an home gym? What items do you have? Share with us below your equipment, experiences and tips on working out at home.