How to Beat Your Sugar Cravings
4 Tricks to Achieve Freedom from Your Sweet / Carb Addiction!
Do you find yourself craving sugar? Have you tried simply cutting back only to find yourself ultimately unsuccessful?
You are not alone. Many women have a hard time breaking away from eating too many sweets.
Much research has been done on sugar cravings. And one important one is worth exploring and experimenting with: Sleep and sugar cravings. Read the article below.

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Below are 4 ideas to beat your nasty sugar cravings; gain better control over your diet and health.
4 Super Tricks to Beat Your Sugar Cravings!
1. Avoid Processed Foods including HFCS, High Fructose Corn Syrup
In 2013, Connecticut College conducted a study which demonstrated that processed foods and sugars can be as addictive as cocaine.
The research showed that the nucleus accumbens region of your brain is artificially stimulated to produce dopamine, which in turn creates an addictive feeling of pleasure.
Eventually, though, the dopamine wears off, prompting you to seek out your next “fix.”
Cutting processed foods and processed processed sugars out of your diet takes a bit of will power at first. However, it makes eliminating your sugar cravings far easier.
2. Use Natural Unprocessed Sweeteners, REAL Food Ingredients.
If you use regular sugar, most of it is processed. The 2 most common ones in use are white sugar and high fructose corn syrup, HFCS. HFCS is a fast track to heart disease! You don’t want to go there and end up with a stroke or heart attack !

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You will find them in almost all commercially produced foods like cookies, cakes, pastries, pastas and even meat!
These forms of sugars cause a big spike in your insulin levels and with time and long-term consumption, can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes and eventually to kidney failure and most degenerative diseases including cancer ~ sugar can feed cancer growth.

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As for artificial sweeteners, these are just as bad or even worse than the 2 culprits mentioned above. They should be avoided whenever possible. Sadly, these chemical substitutes are added to sodas, diet foods and drinks and even medical drugs and chemical supplements including fizzy vitamin C.
It is much better to eat natural sugars if you need the sweet taste, as they contain all their original nutrients as nature originally created them. Just limit the amount you consume. These include unsulphured, unrefined black strap molasses, unrefined palm sugar, raw honey and stevia.
There are many sugar-free alternatives on sale in all supermarkets and in your local grocery store. When natural foods have been tempered by man, their forms change from what nature originally designed them to something that our bodies do not really recognise any more. They then become a strain for our bodies to digest, the long-term result of which is dis-ease.
We only have to look around us to see the devastation of chronic obesity and degenerative diseases all around us, and the young are not spared.
However, if you must use sugar-free, zero-calorie alternatives, then do use with caution and sparingly.
There are many natural sugar-free alternatives which come in a variety of forms. And certain of these are direct sugar substitutes like stevia. Or there are other versions specifically formulated for baking.
3. Consume Fermented Foods and Drinks
Fermented foods and drinks, such as Kombucha or Kefir (both of which are readily available at basically any grocery store these days) help eliminate sugar cravings in two distinct ways.
First, fermented foods and drinks have a naturally sweetish-sour flavor to them, which simulates sugar intake without actually using sugar.
If you find yourself having a sugar craving, you can simply guzzle your favorite flavor of Kombucha or Kefir and feel that craving melt away.
Second, fermented food items and beverages contain probiotic bacterial cultures which actually help eat up some of the sugars you may have consumed by eating, say, a piece of fruit. The result of this is less sugar damage to your body.
4. Meditate and Practise Yoga
This one may sound a little “out there”! But Harvard Medical school conducted a study in 2015 which demonstrated that stress physically alters the chemistry of your brain. And as a result, it produces the hormone cortisol. And the whammy is that among other harmful effects, cortisol actually raises your blood sugar!

This ends up causing the same harm to your body as consuming sugar. However, it can also generate or exacerbate a preexisting sugar craving.
Meditation and the practice of Yoga can reduce your levels of stress. And as a result, this will reduce your levels of cortisol. The end result is a halt or reduction in sugar cravings.

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Hopefully these tricks can help you fight your sugar cravings and reduce your sugar intake. It can be a tough road, but with the right tools you can enjoy all of the health benefits of cutting sugar out of your life.
Post by Dixie Somers
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