Fitness Motivation
3 Tips to Help You Get Going When You Don’t Feel Like It
Don’t we all know it – Fitness Motivation!? Most of us go through phases where the last thing we want to do is work out or go to the gym.
This lack of motivation can be caused by a number of different things. Perhaps you aren’t getting the results you crave despite all your hard work.
Maybe your workouts no longer inspire you or you feel overwhelmed about reaching your target.
Whatever the cause, losing your motivation can have an adverse effect on your health and fitness. From gaining weight to losing muscle, not trying to regain your enthusiasm can make you feel even worse.
So instead of undoing all of your hard work, take a look at these simple ways of finding motivation to work out.
Fitness Motivation Tip #1
Start working out with friends
Working out by yourself can get lonely. This could be the reason you don’t want to work out. So group classes or working out with a friend can be a simple solution to this problem.
If you are excited about being with, and meeting people, you’re more likely to make an effort. Working out with others can also be more enjoyable and push you to work harder. Ask your best friend if she wants to go for a run or try an exercise class after work. You could also ask your partner to join you too. .
Visit this organisation to see what classes are available in your local area.
Fitness Motivation Tip #2
Give yourself something to look forward to
Having an incentive to look forward to is an excellent way of rediscovering your fitness motivation. So set yourself a new target and think about how you can reward yourself for reaching it.
You could go out for a nice meal or have a weekend away with your partner. Buying yourself a new cookery book by a specified date is another option.
Many people also look forward to dining in restaurants for reaching fitness goals. Rewarding yourself for your achievements is a guaranteed way of making you want to do even better next time. So take a look at restaurants to choose yours today.
Fitness Motivation Tip #3
Remind yourself of your initial motivation
It’s likely that you had some form of motivation that made you want to improve your fitness in the first place.
You might have wanted to lose weight or strengthen your body. Or you might have wanted to raise money for a charity by taking part in a sports event.
It’s likely that this initial source of motivation can still fill you with enthusiasm now. So think back to what it was that made you want to get started.
Put a photograph of your former self on the fridge or write down the weight you used to be. This can show you just how far you’ve come and remind you why you are making such a big effort.
Now you know what you have to do, finding the motivation to continue working out won’t be so difficult. Try all of these methods to see which works best for you. You might be surprised at just how effective they can be!
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