Be Fitness Proactive ~
Action gets stronger with Motivation (and motivation)!
Be Fitness Proactive: When you first get a gym membership, there’s always a period of excitement about the great changes you plan to make in your life.
This phase lasts for a couple of weeks, at a maximum. And, once this drive disappears, it can be hard to pick yourself up and head to the gym.
For many people, this means simply getting back into their old routine whatever that might have been. And a gym pass goes to waste with money thrown down the drain.
The problem is that people have a tendency to be lazy. Anything that facilitates laziness seems like a good option. This is what makes it so easy to find an excuse to skip the gym and go straight to dinner. And, once you’ve made an excuse once, it gets easier and easier to make it again.
The only way to get out of a stupor like this is to simply get up and get moving and be Fitness Proactive. Rev up your motivation! How? Motivation is a widely misunderstood concept. It isn’t the drive you feel to do things; it’s the reason behind the drive.
So, in this case, it would be your desire for a healthier lifestyle. So, you’re already motivated. But, you still can’t be bothered to go to the gym. How, then, do you get around the issue of laziness and be fitness proactive?
For most people, the best way to get yourself driven enough for a gym workout at a fitness center is to find a buddy. By working out with someone else, you’ll find yourself developing healthy competition with them.
This is where the drive comes from. By having someone else as a reference for your own progress, you can monitor yourself more effectively.
And, on days when you really don’t want to exercise, it’s much harder to let another person down than yourself.
It will also give you some entertainment, helping you make exercise a bit more fun. Because let’s face it, the gym can be quite boring!
You should always have a target to reach, as well as milestones along the way. Your progress can be measure by many things; it just depends on the area you want to work on.
If you want to lose or gain weight, then your weight is the measure. If you want to improve your running distance, your daily record will be your measure.
Figure out a realistic time frame to achieve the goals you have set out, and place regular milestones along the way.
Your success is worth celebrating. But, you won’t know how far you’ve come unless you monitor yourself.
If your goal is measured by weight, then you should weigh yourself a couple of times a day. You should always do this at the same times, as your weight will change naturally throughout the day.
For other goals, you should track the relevant measure that you have chosen. You can use online tools and phone apps to help you determine your progress, making the job much easier.
Just be aware that your rate of progress can stop and start; don’t get disheartened, keep working!
Hopefully, this will give you what you need to get to the gym and start working on your body! Remember, at the end of the day, it’s all down to you. No one can do this for you, so be strong. Good luck!
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