Make Time for A Consistent Fitness Routine
5 Top Tips for Success
A majority of office workers in the Western world say they routinely work more than 50 hours a week and packed schedules don’t stop at the close of a work day.
Our personal lives are just as stressed and hectic. Finding ways to stay healthy and energized while at work has many benefits but what you do outside of those working hours can matter even more.
Finding time for a fitness routine can be difficult in today’s fully-booked lifestyle, but it is possible by incorporating these 5 tips into your daily life.
1. Early-Bird It
For certain people, the morning is the best time of the day. So then, perhaps the best way to make time for fitness is to start the day with it.
Earlier mornings can be a tough transition at first. However, within a few weeks, the increase in energy achieved through regular morning exercise will more then make up for the extra effort and time you are trading.
Having your exercise done first thing not only helps you have a more productive and energized day it also makes it much less likely that it will get pushed aside for other tasks and distractions.
2. Make It Count
It would be ideal for you to have at least 30 minutes of exercise five times a week but that doesn’t mean you can’t knock out an intense 10-15 minute session and still reap big rewards.
High intensity interval training (HIIT), push ups, crunches, squats can be very effective even in small time increments. 15 minutes running on the treadmill can be enough to get your heart rate up, clear your mind, and detox your system.
3. Skip the Gym
Gyms have much to offer in the way of variety, support, and equipment but it takes more time to stay fit at the gym.
Just the time spent getting there and back can really add up. Don’t forget also that you’ll likely take more time dressing and getting ready for the gym than you would when working out in the privacy of your own home.
You can find any type of exercise routine imaginable online. Skip the gym and stream a video in your living room instead. Make a gym at home with workout additions.
4. Mark Your Calendar
Crossing items off a to-do list gives us a feeling of accomplishment that is seriously motivating.
By consciously adding exercise to your planner, you will be less likely to skip it and more prone to set aside the needed time to get it done. .
The explicit act of writing it down, planning for it, and getting a kick of dopamine when you check it off will, over time, make physical fitness an automatic act you wouldn’t even think about missing.
5. Look for Extra Exercise Opportunities
Simple changes in your thinking can capture loads of extra exercise time even at the office!
Think: exercise in the office while at work. Instead of sitting at your desk, use an exercise ball or get a stand-up desk. When you need to discuss something with a co-worker, do so while walking together around the campus instead of sitting in the office.
When you want to go to the playground with your kids, cycle or walk there instead of driving. Instead of sitting down to catch up with your spouse on the couch, take a walk around the block instead. These little extra moments add up to create a fitter, healthier you.
Finding time to keep yourself fit can seem like a nearly impossible task. Our daily lives are busier than ever and it can seem like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get to all of it.
Unfortunately, exercise is often our last priority. With a shift in thinking, determination, motivation and some conscious planning, you will be surprised by how much time you can find for fitness.
Find an activity that you enjoy, like swimming, or surfing or kayaking or roller skating. Enjoy and keep fit at the same time!
And you will be forever thankful that you did. You’ll see great improvement in your health over time. Exercise helps reduce stress by the release of dopamine. This will help prevent degenerative diseases like cancer and cardiovascular problems.
Article by Jackie Edwards
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