Consider Yourself a Scrawny Nerd? Get Fit Now!
Use These 4 Geek-Friendly Fitness Motivators
Breakthrough Improvement
in Athletic Endurance & Recovery!
Stronger Muscle
When people think of the a-typical nerdy, they often think of a scrawny kid with glasses (like “Squints” on The Sandlot).
Yes, that is stereotypical, but many self-proclaimed nerds would actually willingly place themselves in that category as well.
If that sounds like you but you’d like to buff up and get more into fitness, listen up. You can do it.
Just like it is with everyone, it will take a lot of effort.
Get Fit Now:
4 Geek-Friendly Fitness Motivators to give you A Stellar Advantage!
#1. Break a Sweat Like Other Geeks
You’ve probably heard of Carrot Top. Comedian. Gadget enthusiast. Geek.
But he is probably one of the most ripped geeks out there. Protein powder and consistently working out are key to his muscular physique.
Take a look at famous individuals who are known not only for their neediness, but also their commitment to health and fitness.
Are they into special diets which work? Do they take premium supplements to boost their health, vitality, strength and performance? Look at what they’re doing and try it out.
You might find that having someone that you look up and relate to whose unique dietary regime and special fitness work outs can be a huge motivator for getting you off your computer and into the gym.
Breakthrough Improvement
in Athletic Endurance & Recovery!
Stronger Muscle
#2. Do Your Research & Set Goals
Use that fabulous brain of yours to find incentives to get into shape.
Put yourself in computer mode and run searches to find all the positive links between a healthy mind and a fit body.
Write lists compiling the search results. Make a spreadsheet of physical fitness goals for the next 12 weeks and checklists to cross off as you reach each milestone.
Set reasonable, realistic goals. Geeks go for overachieving goals. Do not set expectations that leave you with injured tendons and muscles in the first week.
Develop a consistent fitness routine incorporating activities you enjoy. If you hate jogging, maybe leave that off your goal list. Enlist the help of other nerds to support your fitness routines.
#3. Perform Experiments While Unleashing Your Inner Game
According to CNN, gamers make great fitness geeks. Relentless pursuit of online victories creates fitness nerds who do not give up. If you love the online gaming scene, incorporate physical routines to increase your dexterity and physical response time. Stamina-building routines are another way to combine your two quests.
Conduct your own science experiments during your physical workouts. Try balancing on one foot for 30 seconds on the first day you work out. Use a timer to log your balancing abilities once a week. Increased balance means better core muscles. Core muscle fitness affects your health and lifespan.
#4. Find Comfortable Clothing and Reward Yourself
As any athlete knows, the clothing you wear while working out is very important for comfort and they must also be functional. You’ll want your clothing to be light and a somewhat tighter fit. If you’re just starting out, consider the basic attire—shorts and a tank top.
You can even look at funky tank tops or other fandom-themed material if you want to still show off your nerdy side while working out. Who knows, that might even be what motivates you. Take a look around at stores which provide attire that perks your interests and that you’d want to wear while running or lifting in the gym.
Being a nerd or geek doesn’t mean that you can’t be fit. Don’t tell yourself that and don’t let anyone else convince yourself of it either. All the things that make you nerdy are all what makes you great—mixing fitness in with those quality will only make a greater version of you.
Post by Hannah Whittenly
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