A High Fat Diet can Make You Fit
Why Fat is Making You Healthy!
There has been a major shift in dynamics recently when it comes to what fats are best as far as your diet is concerned.
The weight loss guidelines of yester-year were plenty of exercise and a balanced diet as follows:
Eat diet low in fat, high in carbs with moderate amounts of protein combined with healthy amounts of fruit and vegetables.
The typical daily diet of people who lived a 100 years ago would consist of butter, lard, meat, and not very much in the way of foods that are low in fat. The argument with this is that people would “go and work on the farm all day.”

Pigs Trotters in Balsamic Vinegar
Today, everyone is told that the best way to lose weight is to “move more, eat less”.
However, nowadays the calories in-calories-out model doesn’t appear to hold up in many ways. There is a return to the traditional ways of eating real food like pig’s trotters, yes, you read right!, as our ancestors did.
But is this dangerous for us, or is it what our bodies need?

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The basics of a high-fat diet are as follows:
70% Fat
25% Protein
5% Carbs
This is your setup on an average day. The fats need to come natural sources. So, olive oil, coconut oil, butter, and lard are fine. Fat from a chocolate bar is not!
The cases for and against a high-fat diet are both strong ones.
When referring to a high-fat diet, we first need to define what types of fat are best to eat. As already stated, the fat needs to be from natural sources. And this is the crux of a high-fat diet.
With other popular diets like the Paleo Diet, they encourage you to eat naturally. This is exactly the same. When it comes to what you can eat, there is no calorie restriction!
You can eat as much as you like as long as your fat count is high. A typical meal would be like the one below:
Half an avocado
Steak (cooked in butter)
Side salad
Note that there are very small amount of carbs on this diet. When it comes to the energy you would be getting from carbs, there are issues with things like your sugar level spiking, with a long-term risk of diabetes.

Using fat for energy is a preferred energy source for the body. And it helps you to lose weight! Following a diet like this in conjunction with a regular exercise routine will work wonders!
A lot of medical experts are dismissing a no-fat diet as a fad diet, and that it is dangerous for you. Having a diet high in fat means that you are putting your cholesterol levels at risk.
But the argument today is that there is no such thing as good and bad cholesterol. Cholesterol is cholesterol, and you need it to remain healthy. Low cholesterol levels are dangerous. So this is flying in the face of standard medical advice!
Following a diet high in fat means increased weight, but is this due to the carbs? Carbs are what makes you feel full, right?
Before we go further, you should grab this free eReport: Fats Which Heal, Fats Which Kill. It lists out succinctly which are the best oils for health and which will eventually kill you in the long run.

While there is a case for and against fat, there are still studies being undertaken with every passing day. But for those of you who are thinking about going high fat, use olive oil, coconut oil and real animal fat like lard, goose fat and ghee.
These are all good fats (and saturated fat) and are touted as being good for you. So listen to what your body tells you. Eat up! And if all else fails, you can always use uncommon ways to lose weight, like sitting at the end of the dining table, using smaller plates and turning down your central heating in the winter! No joke, these can work!
A High Fat Diet Can Make You Fit: Seriously, give ‘eat-fat-to-lose-weight’ a go, and you’ll be delighted with the results!
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