Revamp Your Diet and Bad Food Habits
5 Simple Ways to Achieve This…
Bad food habits over a long period of time can lead to devastating health consequences including diabetes and cancer.
Couple that with a bad lifestyle of constant stress at work, smoking and drinking, and you have a time bomb cocktail waiting to explode.

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Dealing with bad habits, including bad nutrition habits, can be very frustrating. It can feel like you are moving 1 step forward and 2 steps back.
However, it doesn’t have to be like that. You can use these 5 ways below to revamp your diet using real food instead of junk and processed foods.
You can make a conscious and determined effort to eliminate bad food choices. It will take some effort, but this can be done.
1. Focus on Small Steps
If you are trying to break long-standing habits and trying to keep on your diet, it can be so easy to get discouraged after making big changes that don’t yield immediate results.
As you look at bad habits to break, look at the ones that when changed can lead to the biggest results.
For example, if you have a daily soft drink habit, dropping that daily soft drink might immediately result in weight loss. It might seem like a small step, but it will lead to significant weight loss in the long term.
Catalog your bad habits and find one habit that you want to break today and do it.

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2. Chart Your Weight Loss
Some people suggest that you should weigh yourself only once a week to monitor your weight loss. This is to help you from being discouraged because of day to day variations in your weight.
That’s generally sound advice. Your weight can vary by 2% or more throughout the day. It can even vary if you weigh yourself at the exact same time every day. These variations could actually make it appear that you are gaining weight when you are really losing weight.
There is a better way than waiting to weigh yourself once a week. Weigh yourself every morning at the same time and enter your weight into a spreadsheet. Google Sheets is easy and you can have it on your phone.

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Add a chart of your weight loss and a trendline. You’ll see that you have day-to-day variation. However, after a few days, you will see that trend line continuing down even if you have a day where your weight appears to increase.
3. Use a Nutrition Coach
It can be hard to know what changes you need to make or when to make them. It can be even harder to decide if the changes are even worthwhile or get to the real root of the matter. .
This moment is when a nutrition coach comes in very handy. Such a coach understands what your body needs to run most efficiently and what kind of healthy foods you need to be consuming.
She may very well recommend that you use the latest cutting edge science and medicine to help you along the way: like cutting out killer oils and changing to healthy oils. Click here to claim your guide: Fats Which Heal, Fats Which Kill…

She may introduce you to using stem cell supplements. Stem cells effectively stimulate your bone marrow to produce adult stem cells which help in the renewal and regeneration of any tissue and organs in your body which need it.
Stem cells are unique and amazing in that they have the ability to replicate and tissue or organ and grow into brand-new, healthy cells!
Your coach can be a very valuable source of information on what you need to do to keep following your diets and really break the bad nutrition habits that you have been dealing with.
4. Replace Your Soft Drinks with Water
Practical advice can be very important when making a change, so here is one that yields you immediate results.
If you drink a can of soda/soft drink, you are consuming 140 calories. Sure a can of soda tastes great and 140 calories could be burnt off by taking a long walk. However, it’s better to just break the habit, when you consider that sugar is detrimental to your health. Find out more here.

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So, are you now thinking of Zero-Cal sodas and soft drinks? Don’t be taken in: those artificial sweeteners do very little to help you lose weight.
Additionally, long-term ingestion, of both sugar and artificial sugars in sodas can lead to diabetes and other degenerative diseases like cancer and strokes.
Water is the name of the game. It hydrates you and has zero calories so replacing sodas/soft drinks with water will help you lose weight. Let’s be honest, you probably won’t do this. Soda is addictive and tastes just too good.
However, here is something you can do. By a large bottle of soda water, seltzer water or mineral water. It’s all the same: carbonated water.
Buy a 100% fruit juice that you like. Take a bottle and fill it ¾ of the way with the soda water and top it off with the fruit juice.
You’ll get the fizz you love and the sweetness that you deserve. Best of all, you’ll save a whole load of calories.
5. Reward Yourself
When you follow your diet and you break your bad habits, reward yourself.
For example, if you love chocolate, get a bag of dark chocolate chips. Give yourself a handful if you have made it through the day without resorting to a bad habit.
It gives you something to look forward to and you deserve it. The calories from a handful of dark chocolate chips are not going to break your diet, but they can give you the strength to push forward. That’s really what it’s all about.

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You don’t have to succumb to your bad nutrition habits. You can push forward and break those habits. You can revamp your diet and be healthy. You have that ability! Trust yourself.
Post by Dixie Somers
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