Frustrating Side Effects of Weight Loss
5 Ways to Deal with Them
Of course, no one wants to be fat, obese or overweight, with all their attendant problems including diabetes, heart disease and cancer. So we all strive to exercise and work out to lose excess weight.
If you’ve worked hard this past summer to get a slim summer body, you should be congratulated on your willpower!
However, losing weight quickly can also have unpleasant side effects. Rapid weight loss is stressful to the body’s metabolism and can lead to other problems.
Below are 5 side effects to watch out for and what you can do about them.
1. Muscle Loss
When you dramatically lower your caloric intake, you’re essentially starving yourself. You’re going to lose muscle mass faster than you lose fat. >.
Allowing your muscles to become starved and “soft” means you’re more likely to develop poor metabolism or suffer aches and sprains. This can put a strain on your heart.
While you’re dieting, be sure to eat enough protein-rich foods like fish, chicken, lean meat, nuts, and beans. When you’ve met weight loss goals, increase your caloric intake a bit and start a light strength training program to rebuild muscle.
2. Risk of Gallstones
Gallstones are more likely to affect obese people. However, losing weight too fast, and then starting to gain it back again, also puts you at higher risk.
“Silent” gallstones can do damage before you even know you have a problem. Low-fat diets increase your risks. Some fat, and plenty of fiber, helps to flush the gallbladder. Consume a balanced amount of healthy fats from animals, fish, avocadoes, beans and nuts.
3. Breast Reduction
Many women who have lost weight rapidly find that their breasts have become smaller.
Loss of supporting fat and muscle around the breasts can also make them droop and show signs of sagging skin.
Chest exercises and diet are typically ineffective.
A solution for women is to consider breast augmentation surgery and medical spa. Often a combination of this and a breast lift is needed to redefine your figure.
4. Low Energy and Feeling Sick

There are correct and also destructive ways of losing weight. “Crash” diets can affect your metabolism and leave you feeling tired and weak most of the time.
Low-calorie intake often means low energy and can also affect your mental health.
You may have trouble concentrating or feel depressed. If you feel a persistent lack of energy, start eating a more balanced diet.
Include more fish, nuts, whole grains, and leafy vegetables. Be sure to get plenty of sleep. You might also try magnesium supplements.
Additionally, take an oral stem cell support supplement which can help stimulate the production of adult stem cells in your bone marrow. These stem cells can then help your tissues and pancreas regenerate, subsequently helping you to boost energy, weight loss AS WELL AS overall well-being!
Stem cells are specialised cells which replicate any tissue or organ of the body, and amazingly renewing it. What that tissue, cell or organ gets is a brand-new version of itself. This can help you no end in your weight loss efforts to remain healthy, energetic and vital.
5. Hanging Skin
For those who are obese, the skin is stretched over the fat. Losing weight too rapidly means the skin is often left hanging loose. This is particularly a problem as you get older and the skin is less elastic.
Unfortunately, loose skin does not simply recover and disappear. Even exercise and diet don’t do a lot of good. Many of the lotions sold commercially are useless. The only sure remedy is surgery.
Weight loss should be limited to a few pounds a week so that your body has time to adjust. Otherwise, you may have these side effects creating new problems.
Post by Dixie Somers