Common Causes of Tension Headaches
4 Ways Headaches Start, and How You Can Stop Them
Many people have tension headaches two to three times a month. However, these headaches can become debilitating for some individuals when that number increases to fifty percent of the time.
These headaches often feel like a distracting and painful pressure on either side of the head. It can also feel like a weight on the brain behind the eyes. This disturbance can slow your work performance and make your waking hours one big general pain.
Regardless of the frequency of your tension headaches, you may want to consider the following 3 tips to reduce the number that you experience each month.
1. Causes of Tension Headaches: How to Stop Them Tip #1
Watch Your Diet
Some people can get tension headaches from the diet that they consume. Aged cheeses, like blue cheese, cheddar and parmesan, are often a food causing tension headaches because of the tyramine content that they contain.
Or it could be chemical additives in food like monosodium glutamate. Or it could be sugar, or bad oils.

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Your dietary habits can be one big cause of your problem. It will be in your interest to revamp your diet for relief from your tension headaches.
Nitrates and nitrites found in many processed foods can cause tension headaches.
While you may crave that cold dish of ice cream, it and other cold foods can cause problems. Those with food allergies, such as nuts and grains, often experience more tension headaches.
Keep a food diary to track what foods correlate to your headaches. Consult a nutritionist if you think there is a direct correlation occurring.
2. Causes of Tension Headaches: How to Stop Them Tip #2
Correct Eye Problems
Nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism can all cause headaches because the eyes are not working properly together.
The strain on the muscles of your eyes means you are more susceptible of getting tension headaches. These often increase in intensity as the day goes on.
Other people have problems when they stare at a computer screen all day or drive for long hours. If you get tension headaches that seem to start hours after you wake up and get worse as the day goes on, then eye strain is a likely culprit.
Track when these headaches begin and if there are any triggers (like screens or driving.) No matter what the cause of your eye strain is, it is prudent to visit an opthamologist eye doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
3. Causes of Tension Headaches: How to Stop Them Tip #3
Avoid Alcohol
While scientists are not exactly sure why drinking alcohol can lead to tension headaches, there have been many studies correlating the two.
Some believe it is the sulfites in the alcohol causing the problem, while others believe that it is impurities in the brew.
Dehydration is a major trigger for tension headaches. Because alcohol can cause dehydration, drinking lots of water is important in preventing and treating tension headaches caused by alcohol.
Scotch, red wines, champagne and whiskey are often the worst culprits for causing tension headaches. Theses drinks should be taken in small amounts and with proper hydration.
Additionally, dehydration can lead to a depletion of minerals and nutrients in your body. These are leached out together with the water you lose.
4. Causes of Tension Headaches: How to Stop Them Tip #4
Watch Your Medications
Most people reach for medication when they feel a headache coming on. However, you need to exercise caution as there are certain medications which can cause problems.
Rebound headaches can occur from the ingestion of almost all painkillers, whether they are prescription or over-the-counter.
Some women discover that birth control pills or birth control rings implanted in the vagina can contribute to headaches. Some hormonal therapies can also cause problems.
The body is a delicate instrument, and hormones affect all areas of the body and mind. If you experience frequent tension headaches after starting any sort of medication that affects the hormones, consult your doctor and see if the medication may be causing an imbalance.
Many people experience tension headaches, whether it be from these common causes or just an increase in stress. For this, holistic health activities including yoga and meditation are the best for stress relief, to achieve an equilibrium.
One of the best ways to get a handle on your headaches is to keep a journal of your lifestyle and symptoms of headaches. Then, see if there are any places where one thing correlates with another. Does dairy often come before a headache, or are you reporting tension headaches after a particularly stressful and unpleasant class or work assignment?

Consider patterns in food and activities, watch for triggers like stress, dehydration, allergies (food and environmental), and hormonal influences.
Consultations with your ophthalmologist and your primary care physician may also help pin-point the causes of your headaches. You should certainly visit these professionals if you feel at a loss to find the cause of your pain.
Article by Meghan Belnap