Which Are The best yoga Poses for Non-Flexible People?
10 of THE Best Yoga Poses here!

Yoga poses can help to develop flexibility, which is one of the major components required for keeping, maintaining and balancing a healthy body and mind. You can indeed create a healthy lifestyle through yoga.
And there are incredible yoga places all around the world where you can go to practise this art form.
Have you ever thought of teaching your children learn yoga? Well, imagine what a life gift you’d be bestowing on them. The benefits will last them a lifetime!
Yoga bestows many benefits. Certain of these yogic benefits begin to show even just after a few days of commencing the practice. Flexibility is one such welcome gift.
Of the many benefits of taking up the practice of Yoga, that of a flexible body is one of the most rewarding. As a beginner taking up this discipline for the first time, you do not need to have a flexible or stretched-out body to start with.
In fact, it is through a dedicated practice of the science of yoga poses that you can achieve the desired flexibility in its complete potential.
The key to gaining flexibility is to attain substantial release in the specific areas and joints of the body. These are the areas which go frigid by holding onto stress due to various biological and environmental factors.
For starters, the non-flexible yogis can take up the practice of these top 10 yoga poses to become more flexible and agile:
This is a simple pose and is considered the ideal yoga pose to start with. From its appearance, it looks like it does nothing much.
However, the practising yogi feels a good amount of simulation in the hips and legs once they experience the posture at its full potential. Try it to feel it.
How to Practise this yoga pose?
Stand tall on a yoga mat with feet aligned and body straight. Push your tailbone downwards and the shins upwards while engaging the core. Hold the position for a minute.
2. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold)
This is an ideal yoga pose to stretch and flex the back and hamstrings.
How to Practice?
To get into the pose, stand tall on the mat. Raise your arms upward to feel a stretch in your arms. Now gently lower your torso bending at the hips. Rest both the hands on the respective foot. Now raise the upper body parallel to the floor without moving the arms. Look forward.
3. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
This is an excellent yoga pose to flex-up the entire body including the back, hamstrings, calves, arms, and shoulders.
How to Practise?
Assume a table-top position. Gently lift the hips higher while fixating the feet flat on the mat. Form an inverted-V shape holding most of the body weight in the core. Feel the ultimate stretch in the body while remaining in this posture for 30-60 seconds.
4. Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)
Warrior Pose II is an excellent yogic posture to open the shins, stretch the legs, release the hips, and also stretch the entire upper body.
How to Practise?
Stand on the mat, legs spread apart. Turn the right foot inwards and the other outwards by 45 degrees. Raise both the arms straight and higher parallel to the ground. Find your balance in the posture. Now bend the left leg at the knee until the shin is parallel to the floor. Gaze ahead. Remain in the position for 20 seconds before switching to the other leg.
5. Anjaneyasana (Crescent Lunge)
Also known as the High Lunge pose, this is a fabulous asana to gain exceptional flexibility in the thighs, hips and lower back.
How to Practise?
Stand on the floor or mat with a foot-distance gap between the legs. Step the right leg forward. Now raise both the arms upward in a straight line. Gently bend the right leg at the knee. Lower the torso as far as possible. Ideally, the knee of the other leg should touch the floor. Seek balance and gently curve the upper body backward to stimulate the back. Let the body warm up well and good before releasing the pose by gently reversing the steps followed.
Feel a wonderful sensation in your hips and legs as they open and release in this posture.
How to Practise?
Lie flat on the floor with your hips against a wall. Now raise the lower body higher while seeking the support of the wall. Keep your legs straight.
7. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge)
This is an ideal posture to gain flexibility in the hips, abdomen, back, chest, and legs.
How to Practise?
Lie flat on the floor with your arms aligned next to the torso. Fold both your legs at the knee with a hip-width gap in between. Gently raise the body at the hips as high as possible while balancing the body through the core and the arms. Keep the shoulders and feet intact on the floor. Remain in the position for 20-30 seconds.
This is a great yoga pose for flexing the hips, back, and the entire leg region, especially the thighs and hamstring.
How to Practise?
Stand tall with a foot-width gap between the feet. Raise both the arms upward in a vertical line. Now gently lower the hips by bending the body at the knee. Make sure not to bend the upper body. Lower the hips until parallel to the floor or as far as comfortable. Remain in the asana for 30 seconds.
9. Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
This one is a perfect posture to release the entire back region along with the chest and core.
How to Practise?
Lie flat on your stomach with your arms resting on each side. Gently lift the legs higher while simultaneously lifting the upper body backward.
10. Baddha Koṇāsana (Bound Angle Pose)
The ultimate pelvic release pose, this yoga pose provides exceptional stimulation in the legs and back.
How to Practise?
Sit on the mat. Bend the legs at the knee so that the sole of each foot touches each other. Keep the spine firm in its natural position. Hold the posture for 30-60 seconds.
Conclude the session in 5-10 minutes of Savasana (Corpse Pose) for deeply restoring the body and mind.
Post by Manmohan Singh
Manmohan is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveler in India. He provides Ayurveda Courses India. He loves writing and reading books related to yoga, health, nature and the Himalayas.
Website: https://rishikulayurshala.com
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