Are You In Need Of Surgery?
5 Warning Signs That You May Really Be In Need Of Surgery

Prevention is always the best policy where your health in concerned.
This would include eating a healthy diet and taking premium supplements like plant-based minerals and vitamins, to sensible lifestyle choices like getting sufficient quality sleep, stopping smoking, exercising regularly and meditating to reduce the stress of everyday life.
However sometimes other health issues occur which may require medical intervention.
In the world of medicine and doctors, it is amazing how far diagnoses and treatment methods have progressed within the past four or five decades.
Physicians have more options than ever for giving you relief from pain, making your body more functional once again and improving your quality of life.
However, despite all of the advancements in non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments, some problems do still exist that require surgery.
Consider the following five times when your doctor may wisely recommend a surgical option for you.
1. Decreased Blood Flow
When blood flow is decreased to any part of your body, your physician will immediately want to treat the cause to reduce cellular death.
For example, clogged arteries can lead to stroke or heart attack. While some treatments do exist to improve blood flow without surgery, sometimes surgery may be the only answer for full results.

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2. Uncontrollable Pain
Surgery can sometimes be used to decrease pain, such as in the case of a torn rotator cuff, intestinal bleeding or cancer.
If over-the-counter or prescription pain medications are no longer making the cut, surgery may be needed to treat the root cause of the pain. Often, the pain of recovery is far preferable to the pain experienced prior to surgery.
3. Healing May Not Occur on Its Own
Some disease processes or injuries may not heal on their own.
For example, while a broken bone will eventually heal if splinted correctly, torn rotator cuffs or ligaments in the knee joint require surgical repair to fuse back together.
You can use stem cell support in conjunction with surgery in this instance to aid faster recovery.
There are extraordinary oral stem cell supplements which actually stimulate the bone marrow to produce adult stem cells which then help with tissue repair and self-healing.
4. Fewer Invasive Measures Prove Ineffective
Many times, your physician will try less invasive treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation, ultrasound therapy, physical therapy, endoscopy or stent placement before turning to the more invasive measure of surgery.
If there are no good results with these options, surgery may be the last-ditch effort at relief and healing.
5. Your Surgery Center Can Give You Better Relief than Your Clinic Can
If you are seeing a general practitioner at your local clinic, he or she may have run out of treatment options for you.
In this case, you may be referred to a surgeon who has the increased experience and education to help. The surgical clinic you go to will have the appropriate staff, educational opportunities and state accreditation to treat your disease, illness or injury with the utmost of care.
Of course, before agreeing to surgery, be sure that you have exhausted other less invasive treatment options because surgery always comes with increased risk of infection and other complications.
However, sometimes surgery might be exactly what you need to get your body back to its usual healthy self. It may help reduce pain and other symptoms significantly so that you can live a full life once again.
Before agreeing to any treatment, ensure that all of your questions are answered, your concerns are addressed and your expectations for care are met.
Post by Dixie Somers