How to Stay Energized when Working Long Hours
5 Ways to Achieve This!

It seems that the idea of “long hours” has become more of a norm than an exception. As such, this so-called ‘lifestyle’, this stressful, hectic pace of life has reshaped our priorities. Let’s get real…all these lumped together over time can lead to illness and degenerative diseases including heart disease and cancer.
It’s becoming more challenging to stay on top of our tasks, keep our energy levels high, and safeguard our social lives.
However, no matter what you do and how complex your life may be, there are certain steps you can implement into your routine in order to help preserve your energy.
5 Best Ways to Stay Energized when Working Long Hours
1. Stay Energized when Working Long Hours: Tip #1
Work Out Before Work
How many times have you planned to hit the gym as soon as the clock strikes five, but you end up too tired to actually stick to your promise?
When we spend so much time stuck behind a desk, chances are we’ll rush home as soon as we wrap up at the office. On the other hand, if you teach yourself to start your day with a burst of physical activity, you’ll fuel your mind and your body with energy.
You can add healthy home workout additions to make your morning workouts more enticing. However, with or without, a consistent morning fitness routine will give you the needed lift to tackle greater challenges and provide you with plenty of mood-boosting chemicals for more motivation throughout the day.
Add to that the mighty effects on your circulation, and you’ll quickly notice that your productivity levels and your energy are much higher than before.
2. Stay Energized when Working Long Hours: Tip #2
Prep Your Office Meals and Snacks
Let’s get smart! You can prep at home several great delicious office lunches. Here are 3 yummy office lunch recipes that you can easily master, then enjoy during your lunch break.
The real devilish challenge is that afternoon slump that often tricks you when it comes to methods for renewing your energy supplies.
Right after the first portion of your work day is done, it’s no wonder your body starts craving sugar in the afternoon for an instant energy boost. This may seem an acceptable solution at the time being, but that quick spurt of energy will dissipate as fast as it arrived when you choose a unsavory source.
So, you can stay smart by having foresight and be prepared. Here are 7 great office snacks that you can prep beforehand…healthy for your weight and health, and healthy also for your wallet!
If you are tempted to go to the snack dispenser, consider other healthier snack alternatives to your typical sugar-based candy bar or the bag of chips.
There are many equally tasty, and much healthier substitutes such as snack packs of various nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, you name them), or fruit salads.
3. Stay Energized when Working Long Hours: Tip #3
Master Meal Planning
For those who spend hours at the office, there is literally not a single second to waste. You simply NEED to fit healthy eating into your busy lifestyle. Prepare food using REAL whole ingredients ~ nothing beats real food!
Planning out your weekly meals is key to preserving your energy and your time.
You can decide on a designated meal-planning day, such as Sunday, to go grocery shopping for the entire week, cook, and pack your daily meals into suitable containers – mason jars and Tupperware work great for most meals.
Then again, you can also plan for the busiest days of the week and do what clever Aussies have started doing – the trend of ordering ready meals in Sydney and other cities has become the go-to solution for many hard workers.
It’s a great way to keep up with your dietary needs, make your meals nutritious and diverse, and have the perfect pick-me-up meal for your lunch break. On top of it all, if you are wanting to lose that stubborn excess weight, this is a perfect way to adopt, for the simple reason that weight gain is cumulative!
4. Stay Energized when Working Long Hours: Tip #4
Don’t Skimp on Sleep
Getting quality sleep is so much more than just a basic physiological need.
When you create a sleep schedule that ensures your minimum rest requirements, you’ll let your body rest and recuperate from all the hard work during the day.
That, in turn, gives you a chance to replenish your energy for the upcoming day and keep your hormones balanced.
This single habit is crucial in all of your bodily functions, so no amount of healthy food or exercise can make up for the lost sleep time.
To improve the quality of your sleep, make sure you create a before-bed routine that will let you unwind. Anything from meditation, reading, to kicking out all electronic devices from the bedroom in the two hours before bed will help your brain detox and fall asleep faster.
5. Stay Energized when Working Long Hours: Tip #5
Kick-up Your Self-Care Rituals
Even though many of the aforementioned steps such as a consistent fitness and exercise routine and eating healthy fall under the category of “self-care”, there are other vital actions you can take to become more resilient to the negative effects of everyday stress.
If you enjoy cycling or hiking, go for it! Do flower arrangement, collage work, painting, or simply pampering yourself to a relaxing massage could be your go-to techniques.
Your choices are practically endless when it comes to defining your self-care routine, so make sure you truly listen to your body and define your needs.
Self-care would also mean taking premium nutrients in the form of bio-available plant based supplements which our bodies can assimilate. However good our diet, we will not be able to absorb all the vital nutrients our bodies need for optimal health and vitality.
We need minerals, the spark plugs of life, a broad-spectrum multi-vitamin, vitamin C in mega doses for heart health and curcumin, nature’s anti-inflammatory.
Think outside the box and allow yourself the flexibility to switch between rituals when you feel like it – after all, it should be your oasis of wellness, not another source of stress!
Article by Expert Author: Olivia Williams Jones
Editor at High Style Life
w: https://highstylife.com/ e
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What do you do to keep awake and energized at the office. Any tips, tricks and secrets to share? Do share with us below!