Banish OverTraining Forever
4 Hacks to Overcome This!
Overtraining is perhaps the most dreaded thing in all of the fitness world.
It’s something which creeps up on your over time, almost imperceptibly at first. But then, it can leave feeling tired and hitting a wall in the gym.

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Overtraining is something that has derailed many of the best intentioned get-fit plans. It has stopped countless people from getting the bodies that they want.
But what exactly is overtraining?
Overtraining occurs when you train your body so hard that you exceed its ability to recover.
Frequent intense training sessions are very demanding on the body. It takes time for it to recover after an intense session. Not giving it the time to recover can lead to symptoms including loss of muscle, low motivation, decreased sexual desire and a failing immune system.
So what can be done to banish it forever.

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1. Eat Sufficient Carbs
Thanks to many alternative diet gurus, carbohydrates have received a bad rap. Eating carbs is establishment advice, and nobody trusts the establishment anymore (with good reason).
However, throwing out carbs is a little bit like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Yes – some refined carbs can make certain people fat if they have a disposition to metabolic syndrome. But cutting out too many carbs deprives the body of a vital source of fuel which it needs for muscle repair.
This is why people who try to just live off steak fare so poorly at the gym. They just aren’t giving their body the raw materials it needs to come back stronger. Of course, a certain amount of good protein is necessary. However, do eat some carbs.

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You don’t have to go in for all the unhealthy carbohydrates, like sugar or maltodextrin. Carbohydrates in their whole food form, like whole wheat pasta, beans or sweet potatoes, will provide your body with the energy it needs while also fighting the bulge.
2. Embrace Supplements
There’s a reason why so many professionals buy sports supplements: they do work.
But with so many studies on the market, which supplements should you choose? Time and time again, two types of supplements have shown to be effective: those which help create a muscle-building hormonal environment, and those which help you push harder in the gym.
Creatine, for instance, is a natural supplement which increases the amount of energy available to your fast-twitch muscle fibres. This enables them to do more work in the gym, forcing them to adapt to heavier and heavier weights.

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3. Sleep More
According to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, rest is the single most important thing to avoid overtraining.
Individuals who slept 7 to 9 hours, according to their study, were able to do more workouts during the week. Their muscles recovered faster than those of people who got less rest.
4. Grab A Massage
Practically every top bodybuilder gets daily massages. The reason for this is that muscles need a regular supply of nutrients in order to grow. .
Intense workouts can leave deep tissue muscles in knots, thanks to the buildup of lactic acid. Massage helps to release tight muscles, improve blood flow and rid muscles of lactic acid. Thai Yoga Massage is a very good massage for this purpose.
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Share with us below your challenges when you tend to overexercise. What tips do you have to overcome this?