Get Rid of Your Winter Cold Quickly!
5 Top Strategies
Thanks to a spate of nasty colds and coughs, doctors’ surgeries, pharmacies and NHS clinics are all experiencing their busiest time of year now.
If you’ve escaped so far unscathed then lucky you! You’ve either got a super human immune system or have been living in an amazing tropical bubble all winter.
Here are tips to dealing with your cold using natural remedies / therapies.
- How to Heal Yourself Naturally ~ without Needing Your Doctor
- How to Treat The Cold and Flu Naturally
- Natural Simple Remedies for 5 Common Health Problems
Below are 5 strategies to give your cold the boot!
1. Make Healthy Choices: Top up with Premium Nutrients!
Try to up your hot drinks with regular glasses of orange juice as it contains doses of vitamin C which helps to fight colds, coughs, and flu.
Premium supplementation is of importance. Use only absorbable bio-available nutrients. Take a mega dose of Vitamin C daily even up to 3 grams, a broad spectrum Multi-vitamin and organic minerals to include magnesium.
Inflammation is rife during a cold. The best natural anti-inflammatory is curcumin, the medicinal extract from the turmeric root. Make yourself a cup of turmeric milk: Grate fresh turmeric root. Put in milk and warm up. Add a dash of manuka honey for taste.
A premium bio-available curcumin supplement will help reduce fatigue, aches and pain and make your life more tolerable and comfortable while you wait for your cold to run its course.
Last, but not least, take advantage of scientific progress and include an oral stem cell support supplement. This will stimulate your bone marrow to produce adult stem cells to help fight invaders and also to self-heal and self-repair your body system.
2. Boost Your Immune System
When we’re run down, we’re more prone to any and all sorts of infection. The simple reason is because our immune system cannot produce the necessary antibodies to fight whatever has invaded our system. Our first line of attack starts before we fall ill. The often neglected art of prevention IS the best health policy anyone with common sense can adopt. Prevention is always best.
The best way to go about this is to learn several ways on how to boost your immune system here. There are also many other ways to go about this below.
You can start with lifestyle changes to include sufficient REM sleep and stress reduction at work and at home. Stress is a particularly dangerous aspect of health and can even lead to degenerative diseases to include cancer and heart attacks.
Other lifestyle changes to make include stopping smoking and abstinence from alcohol.
A healthy diet using real food is of primary importance – this cannot be stressed enough. Eat delicious food as medicine!
Make sure that you’re getting lots of fresh fruit and veg and at least your five a day.
Avoid junk food such as chocolate, biscuits, cake and chips. While they may taste awesome, they’re of little to no help when fighting illness.
3. Stay Indoors
There’s no cure for the cold or flu virus, so sooner or later, everyone gets it unless one has an incredibly strong immune system. It’s best to stay home at the first sign of a sniffle ~ it may even be worth taking a few days sick leave.
If you suffer from asthma, the fresh, crisp cold air in winter can aggravate your chest no end. You may have found that with a portable nebulizer, attacks do lessen.
4. Don’t Spread It Around
Offices, schools, and colleges are all prime hot spots for germs. Close contact in small areas don’t help either.
If you notice that a friend or colleague is persistently coughing, avoid standing too close to him. You can reduce your chances of catching a nasty bug by wearing a face mask, washing your hands thoroughly, avoid prolonged contact with desks, chairs, and tables and use a hand sanitiser after using the phone.
If you are off sick, try to stay in one room burning tea tree oil regularly. Keep all your used tissues in one bin. Don’t do any major housework. Lay low, relax and wait until the worst has passed.
5. Hot Drinks Help
It doesn’t matter if it’s herbal tea, hot chocolate, lemon and honey or even soup, a hot drink will help to soothe the throat and warm up your core.
The best hot drink for a cold sufferer is lemon and honey. Lemon contains natural antibacterial properties while the soft, sweet honey coats the back of the throat making the drink easy to swallow.
If you lie under the duvet with a hot water bottle, you’re likely to recover quicker than sitting in just your jeans and t-shirt on the sofa!