Is it Time To Swiftly Change Your Workout?
4 Signs You’re in due need of A Change!
When it comes to your exercise routine, is it now time for you to shake it up and change it?
The rule is that you should change your exercise routine every 6 to 8 weeks. This is a rough guide and the goal of this is to confuse your muscle.
Ultimately, someone will get stuck in their own dull exercise routine. As such, she is not going to see any gains. By confusing your muscle, your body is adapting to the shock. This will result in bigger and better muscle changes.
Below are 4 common indicative Signs You Need to Change Your Exercise Routine:
1. Boredom!
It’s a simple as that sometimes ~ you aren’t feeling challenged! In this case, you may need to change your fitness goals, to get better results.
Are your present workouts easy for you now? Or have you just been doing them for so long that you can do them with your eyes closed?
2. You Spend More Time In The Gym Talking Than Exercising.
We are all guilty of this sometimes, especially if we go training with our buddies!
In reality, you really should change your gym at least once a year. This will force you to focus on your workouts, rather than socializing. You may be best looking at a fitness center near you that is simple, yet effective.
Ultimately a lot of gyms now have sophisticated equipment. However, if you study bodybuilders before the advent of these sophisticated machines, they just got in, lifted heavy, focused on what they had to do, and got out. Job done!
3. You Skip Workouts
This is a big tell-tale sign if you have no motivation to go to the gym because you know exactly what the workout routine consists of.
So you might think that missing one here or there isn’t going to make much difference. This will especially so be the case if there is a big social event clashing with your normal time in the gym. In such a case, this is one big glaring sign that you’ve got to shake up your workout routine immediately!
4. You’ve Hit A Plateau
Again, the question you need to ask yourself is whether you are getting as much gains as you’re used to.
You need to think about the fact that your muscle needs to be confused in order for them to have their fibres torn.
So it may be time to look at different types of training routines. For example, if you spend a lot of time with isolation exercises, maybe you want to use more compound exercises instead.
There are other workouts that you may want to try that will increase your strength. A popular one is the 5 x 5 routine.
Or maybe you need a bit more flexibility in your body. In such a case, you could try yoga.
If you see any of these traits in the gym, it’s time for you to start changing your workout routine.
It is better for you in the long haul to build strength, muscle, and improve your health by making your exercises difficult.
This doesn’t mean that you should work to the point of pain. Ultimately, if you are looking for a way to break through plateaus. Or if you are just bored in the gym now, it is time for you to change your routine.
Once you have done this, do it again in 6 to 8 weeks’ time!
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