Treatments for Limited Mobility and Sports Injuries
6 Best Treatments
Limited mobility comes in all shapes and sizes.
It can strike us at any time of life. Evidently, some are considerably worse than others.
Difficulty moving may be anything from sports injury, autoimmune diseases that affect muscle tissue, or even arthritis.
They all require different treatment, of course.
However, many of the principles to regain movement are very similar.
Treatments for Limited Mobility and Sports Injuries: Treatment #1
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massages are incredibly beneficial for chronic, non-serious muscle pains and aches.
Qualified therapists apply pressure that concentrates on deep layers of muscle and fascia in the body. This treatment specifically targets this type of pain.
Treatments for Limited Mobility and Sports Injuries: Treatment #2
Steroid Injections
Steroid injections are usually prescribed for moderate pain, but only for a short period of time.
Steroids may also be taken orally, to, for autoimmune diseases that impact on how well the muscles are able to work.
Prescription drugs are mainly used to reduce inflammation and limit pain. However, the problem is only managed and the cause is not necessarily treated fully.
As you would imagine, steroids are not a permanent treatment solution. They are, more often than not, combined with some form of physiotherapy.
Treatments for Limited Mobility and Sports Injuries: Treatment #3
Physiotherapy involves targeted exercises that the patient carries out to aid the particular area that has been injured.
A sports therapist or physiotherapist will design a programme of exercises for the patient to repeat again and again. This is often in conjunction with some other form of therapy.
Treatments for Limited Mobility and Sports Injuries: Treatment #4
Cryotherapy (note Cryosphere) is the use of very cold temperatures in therapy to treat muscle tissue damage.
It works to limit pain and swelling and helps to prevent muscles going into spasm.
The icy temperatures may seem like an extreme solution. However, there is plenty of scientific research about supporting the use of this kind of treatment.
This one is mainly used in sports – you’ll have heard of plenty of athletes swearing by ice baths!
Treatments for Limited Mobility and Sports Injuries: Treatment #5
Heat Therapy
Many doctors recommend using heat therapy to help with mobility problems or even arthritis.
The heat is supposed to help reduce the pain and stiffness that often comes with health problems like this. It’s also thought to reduce inflammation.
However, heat therapy isn’t necessarily the solution for everyone. It is often a case of making trials of lots of different therapies to find one that seems to work for you.
Treatments for Limited Mobility and Sports Injuries: Treatment #6
Stem Cell Treatment
Treating arthritis with stem cell therapy is a revolutionary step in medical capabilities. Stem cell treatment is evidently for very serious and progressive conditions.
The ethical treatment takes stem cells from the patient’s own body and implants them at joints and problem areas. This allows the regrowth of vital pieces of cartilage that have been lost or worn down from arthritic conditions.
With any personal health problem, there is no one size fits all answer.
Unfortunately, it may take many months or even years to find the one that works for you or your loved one. More often than not, it is a combination of many therapies that seem to eventually do the trick.
The good news is that there are so many therapies available to try out! Hopefully you’ll be back to that full body workout in no time.
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