Turn Your Cleaning Chores Into A Workout
8 Ways to Achieve This!
Many of us will have big plans about how we’re going to get fit but these plans often fall by the wayside.
You may be thinking about starting an exercise regime but you constantly put it off and end up giving yourself a talking-to.
However, there’s no need to panic and get all stressed up. Sometimes a perfectly good exercise regime can be staring you in the face and you don’t even realize it – cleaning! Yes, you heard right!
It may not be glamorous, but cleaning really does help you to keep fit. And the additional benefit of a clean house may be the motivation you need to clean more often.
Tip 1: Prepare some music to make this fun
Before you begin, it’s time to get into the cleaning groove. So maybe you might want to put on your favorite Spotify playlist before you begin to keep you going. Perhaps choose one that’s an hour long and when the music stops you’ll know your cleaning is done!
Tip 2: Don’t Pick At Food!
Another important rule when cleaning is not to pick at food. This can be so tempting when you’re at home and when the fridge is jam-packed with a load of tempting goodies.
Tip 3: Wear Comfy Clothes and Trainers
Also, make sure you get comfortable and put on some comfy clothes and trainers before you begin. Cleaning at this speed can be a serious workout so it’s best to not have your Sunday best clothes on or any clothes you don’t want to get dirty for that matter.
Let’s have a look at a few of the most common tasks and check how many calories are burned doing of these activities.
Tip 4: Motivate Yourself with Visions of A Dust-Free Home while Dusting
Let’s first examine dusting as this is one task that so many people put off but there are few greater feelings than having a dust-free home.
What makes it even better is that you burn 174 calories in just an hour! So if you spend a morning or afternoon just dusting, you could burn over 500 calories which really would be an amazing achievement.
Tip 5: Add Weights to Your Wrist
If you want to take your dusting to the next level, you can also add some light ankle weights to your wrists. This will help tone your arms a bit and will make for a more intense workout clean. It might be easier to start with just regular dusting and build up to this!
Tip 6: Oxygenate Your Lungs while Gardening and Weeding
Even outdoor tasks such as gardening and weeding can be amazing workouts and few would realize that this task burns 288 calories in just an hour. Gardening is a great activity anyway as it gets you out in the open air while burning those calories.
Tip 7: Treat Yourself to A Clean, Shiny Car!
Other outdoor tasks such as washing your car (unless you keep it in the garage!) are also really good at burning calories. You will shed 234 in just an hour of making your car look extra shiny.
Tip 8: Your Trash Bags Can Keep You Fit!
Even the most mundane tasks can be turned into a mini workout around the house. For example, we all generally have to take out trash bags every few days and it can be a good opportunity to do some bicep curls.
Simply hold the bags while keeping your elbows close to your rib cage. Just lift and lower the bags maybe 10 times before putting them in the bin one final time!
Keep a few of these tips in mind if you’re looking for ways to get fit but don’t want to sign up for a gym membership or something similar. There are many ways to get fit without having to go the gym three or four nights a week.
Post by Kat Buckley