Vitamin E & Your Fit, Sexy Body!
21st Century-Smart…
Get Your Vitamin E from Real Foods…
There’s a lot more to Vitamin E than most of us generally know about . Yes, the common knowledge is that is a natural anti-oxidant. Your body uses this nutrient up quickly in times of stress and anxiety. Foods rich in vitamin and bio-available supplement of vitamin E may help restore this balance and reduce your symptoms.
However, what is less well-known is that it is one of our body’s natural lubricants.
One of its most important roles is to fight against free radical damage. And what are free radicals? These are naturally occurring compounds whose job, which we don’t want, is to create havoc by destroying various cell structures in our bodies.
Well, vitamin E is our saviour; it comes to fight these free radicals and destroy them. In a nutshell, our bodies are blessed with an inbuilt system for making these scavengers harmless by neutralising them. Vitamin E helps accelerate this.
Vitamin E helps boost our immunity levels. It helps protect cholesterol from oxidative damage. According to research, it is also plays an important role as an anti-inflammatory. It is also a blood thinner, that is, it helps keep blood from clumping together which prevents blood clots which lead to heart and cardiac attacks and strokes.
What, really, is Vitamin E?

It is the collective name given to a group of related compounds which includes tocotrienols and tocopherols. Tocotrienols are vitamin E compounds and are found in nuts and seeds as well as certain plant oils. Tocopherol is a vitamin E compound which are mostly abundant in vegetable oils.
Hey, hold your horses!….Don’t go crazy with processed veggie oils. Not recommended! Processed veggie oils are dead oils and not approved by
Vitamin E is classified as an essential nutrient. It plays an important role in neurological functions. You can find this in food and bio-available supplements.
Signs of VITAMIN E Deficiency
The following symptoms are potential signs:
- Vision problems
- Skin problems
- Immune system changes
- Muscle weakness
- Difficulty walking
- Numbness
- Poor sense of balance
Research indicate that children and the elderly are more vulnerable to a vitamin E deficiency. Additionally men have a higher risk for vitamin E deficiency than women.
Diet is a good way to prevent a deficiency from occurring. Start eating foods which are good sources of vitamin E. It’s found in many different foods – including vegetables. But hold your horses – this is not the source of vitamin E that you want to put into your bodies.
You need to be hyper selective as to your source of this essential vitamin. For example, lay knowledge tout sunflower seeds, almonds and tomatoes as good, reliable sources of vitamin E. Sure, these foods do contain the Vitamin E.
However, not all vitamin Es are created equal. So this does not mean that you should obtain your daily dose of this essential vitamin from these sources. that doesn’t mean that’s where you should get your daily dose of E.
So, what are the best REAL FOODS containing Vitamin E? This is where you should get your Vitamin E.
Several of these foods are great for helping heal injuries!
It is difficult to get it wrong as far as cruciferous veggies are concerned. Broccoli is king from the nutritional veggie point of view.
It is a great source of dietary fibre and contains a significant quantity of vitamin E.
Additionally, it also boasts vitamins A and B, potassium as well as zinc.
This humble vegetable, available easily the world over, is a near-perfect green.
As far as Vitamin E is concerned, it is a powerhouse. One cup of spinach packs as much as 6.7 mg vitamin E.
Thumbs up to this wonderful fruit filled to the brim with optimal nutrition. It really is truly one of the top nutrient-rich fruits around.
It contains one of the healthiest fats you could ever eat for peak health. It should be included in your daily diet. And it is superbly yummy!
It contains vitamin E, soluble fibre and protein. An average avocado contains upwards of 2.6mg of vitamin E *. Protein-wise, it’s a powerhouse, at par with the egg
Pine nuts are treasure troves of vitamin E. They boast a whopping (in excess of!!) 20.5 mg of vitamin E per 100 mg serving.
Snack-wise, these are a delicious and healthy option when toasted lightly. Added to salads and dishes, they are a delicious, royal addition. And a highly healthy.
Olives are classified as a fruit. And it boasts incredible nutritional value. Olive oil is well-known for its vitamin E content. Don’t forget the olive fruit – it is brimming with this essential nutrient.
Additionally, it contains free radical-busting anti-oxidants. This little fruit help boost immune and digestive function.
At the end of the day …
It’s vitally important eat real foods containing real nutrients. This is common sense, to prevent disease and to prevent obesity, the one big health problem of the affluent world in the 21st century.
You need to know which foods to eat for your important vitamins. However, the problem is that not all foods are equal. And knowing which foods to eat and where to find them natural can give you migraines! It’s also important to know deficiency symptoms which can alert you to step up on missing nutrients.
You can do your health and that of your family a great turn by obtaining your vitamin E requirement by eating the foods listed above. Consult your physician if you feel you may have a deficiency. Or you can take bio-available supplements. However, it just might take some extra focus on getting the right foods into the right recipes.
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Helen Chow, ND
© 2019
For more about vital nutrients, keep reading here:
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