When Xrays are Necessary! When is that?
3 Signs You Absolutely Need One!
Sustaining an injury is not fun for anyone, but sometimes the full effect isn’t obvious.
What feels like a simply sensitive area could, in fact, be seriously damaged. More specifically, fractures especially can be difficult to identify.
Below are three signs you need an X-ray, because the sooner you’re sure, the sooner you can begin the healing process. If you think it’s broken, proceed with caution.
When XRays Are Necessary: #1
A contusion or bruise is actually blood escaping broken vessels and emptying into the body.
When it’s extensive, something is definitely not normal. It means tissue is damaged, which happens when a bone is broken: its inner tissue is leaking.
The bruising can come from trauma to the surrounding skin, too, but from the bone is worse. The larger and darker the bruise is, the more likely the damage is severe.
This might not happen with every fracture, but if it does, it’s time to take the scan.
When XRays Are Necessary: #2
Just as you can bruise when you have a break, there’s a good chance all the spilled blood will collect and cause swelling around the injury location.
It can swell further if other fluids empty with the blood. Your tissue soaks them up like a sponge and makes movement difficult and/or painful.
While swelling happens with many conditions, be aware of it if it appears after significant trauma.
3. Physical Aberration
If your skin, or the bones and muscles underneath look strange, it could be a clear sign something’s broken. The most obvious will be bone poking out of its regular alignment. However, if any part of your body is bending in ways it shouldn’t, it’s time to get it checked.
Seeing medical professionals are key to getting a diagnosis in a timely manner. Even if you think the abnormality is a small issue, letting a physician have a look will make things clear.
Fractures are serious even if they aren’t big or deep, since they can worsen when left unchecked. If you suspect you have one, watch for these warning signs and visit your physician to see if your concerns are justified.
Lean on your family members as a support team and have them help you improve your health. Even if they aren’t, you’ll be doing yourself a favor by having the matter cleared up. It doesn’t hurt to be up to date and aware of anything going on underneath your skin.
Post by Emma Sturgis