So Why Are You Overweight?
3 Shocking Reasons Why you are …
When we were growing up, all of us had our favourite meals and snacks. For some, it was mac and cheese. For others, it was doughnut with extra icing on top.
We all have fond memories of those meals, partly because they’re associated with happy memories of family life. And there’s no denying that they offer comfort and peace of mind, right?
Well, not so fast. According to psychologists from the University of Minnesota, it’s yet another case where correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation.
They point out that people’s mood naturally fluctuates throughout the day and that their mood might just happen to improve following a meal by chance.
In other words, it’s not the food itself that’s having the effect. However, it does seem like it is because of the timing of the improvement in mood. After all, most people have their evening meal when they get back from work and eat it during the transition from a stressed to a relaxed state.
Other websites, like HCGDiet.com, corroborate this view with other studies. They point out that only around 2 percent of people can truly be classified as emotional eaters.
The rest are overeating, but not for the reasons they think. The problem is that “comfort eating” or “emotional eating” has become an excuse for a lot of people. They like to think that the reason they are overweight has to do with their own emotional state.
However, the evidence from doctors themselves says that it has more to do with their hormonal imbalances.
The researchers from the University of Minnesota decided to put their theory to the test. They put participants into two groups and asked them to fill out a questionnaire about their mood.
The first group was given some comfort food, including cookies and ice cream. The second was given nothing and acted as the control group. The researchers reported by NPR.org found that people who ate comfort food experienced no overall improvement in their mood after eating than the control group which surprised the researchers.
What Signals are your body sending you?

What this essentially means is that people need to think up new excuses for why they are eating so much junk. It looks like it has less to do with their emotional state and more to do with the signals that their body is sending them.
1. You’re Eating Unconsciously
One of the reasons people eat too much is because their eating is unconscious. They’re sitting in front of the TV with a bowl of snack food in their lap, not really paying attention to what they’re eating. This then leads to a higher than normal calorie intake which leads to weight gain.
2. Your Hormones Are Out Of Whack
Eating high-fat, high sugar, high-protein foods can all have a detrimental effect on your hormones. Eating too much protein, for instance, is associated with higher levels of insulin resistance and the release of a hormone called IGF-1 which has been linked to cancer and obesity.
3. You Aren’t Full
Finally, it’s important that food satisfies your hunger signals. This means eating food that takes up a lot of volume in your stomach, like soup and vegetable dishes.

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