Workout Motivation
It Really Starts with ‘Mind Over Matter’
We all want to look and feel good; there’s no doubt about that. However, in order to be the healthiest and happiest that we can be in ourselves, we need to make time to exercise regularly and stay in shape.
There is only one great problem. It is this: After the initial honeymoon period of working out – aka the time where you are gym-mad, you begin to lose that drive to workout regularly. You start to fall back into old habits.
Losing motivation to workout is perfectly normal. It happens to us all at one point or another.
However, what you don’t want is let your lack of motivation win. You need to ensure that you stay on track and workout more often.
To help you to do that, below are 4 motivation-boosting ideas and suggestions. Take these on board, and you’ll soon get back into the stride of working out again.
Workout Motivation ~ Mind Over Matter: Hack #1
Create a dream board
Think about what your fitness goals were when you first started going to the gym. These could have included running in a marathon or to get a bikini body. Well…use these to make a dream board!
Your actual dream board can be made from cut-out pictures. Or it could be a virtual one made on an app like Pinterest.
It might seem like a strange idea but visualisation specialists claim that having a dream board with your goals on can make a big difference when it comes to your success. So this is something that’s worth doing.
Workout Motivation ~ Mind Over Matter: Hack #2
Give Yourself A Purpose
If you’re going to make working out every day (or every other day) a priority, you need to give yourself a purpose. Give yourself a reason that you’re doing what you’re doing.
For instance, booking a vacation and using that as your motivation for working out regularly can work well. What about putting your name down for a sport’s event like a marathon, a fun run?
The fact is that if you have a purpose for why you’re working out, you are more likely to stick at it. So find something that you can sign up for or that you can book, like a trip, and use that to motivate yourself.
Workout Motivation ~ Mind Over Matter: Hack #3
Hold Yourself Accountable
A great method of keeping yourself motivated is to hold yourself accountable by telling other people what you’re planning to do.
What this means is that you need to tell as many friends and family members about your fitness goals. Doing so will make you feel compelled to work harder and meet them.
You could even consider announcing what you’re planning to do on social media. Once done, you can’t back out of it and have to find a way to stay motivated. Pretty smart, right?

If you’re serious about getting in shape and staying motivated, take note of the advice above and implement the tips. You should find that you’re more pro-active about your fitness and working out..
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